

03月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[职业素质和自我评价]一、素质 素质是指人的生理上原来的特点,是人们完成某类活动所必需的主观条件和内在依据。素质的内容包括思想品德素质、生理素质、心理素质、科学文化素质和审美素质等。 二...+阅读


Self-evaluation: I graduated from Dalian in 2009 translated Vocational College, college, my best achievement in school, won the third-class scholarship and first-class schools, grants, and made in the second year during the Korean secondary accreditation, and Mandarin II class card, proficient use of office software, simple English. I completed an independent in the "teach you how to overcome the acute insomnia," "Korean Education Support Act", "treatment of diseases with flowers," "phenomenon on the Japanese yen Selling Well", "English speaking Koreans to conquer the five-steps", "ice hockey Development and Change in Korea "and many articles have been asked Baidu, Google included.

To serious, continuous improvement is one of my strengths, once decided to do one thing to be sure to do your best. Although there are not enough experience, but willing to constantly challenge themselves and enhance their abilities.

Career goal: Currently looking for a clerical or assistant work, want to work, learning, gain experience, so not only can enhance the company's competitiveness, the company's own little contribution to the development of modest means, but also make their own ability to upgrade themselves and their companies to achieve win-win goal.


(1) My career goal is to strive to do each job and gain experience and joy.

(2) in the work is expected to seek the upgrading of professional and threw himself into work happy obtained.

(3) patience, responsibility, team spirit.

(4) want to exercise their own, to enrich themselves and feed themselves.

(5) First they want to approach, check books, to find information. No way to revert to their teachers and classmates for help.

(6) An international information and details to us whether our style for your company. 同时告诉您一个翻译网址,什么语言,直接点击就可以翻译,非常的方便实用的哦!...






我想做销售工作简历应该怎么写自我评价职业目标工作职责或业绩简历中自我评价最好简洁得当 大凡写简历的时候,最头痛的莫过于自我评价这部分了。有些人这部分不敢填写,怕写不好反而弄巧成拙。其实,自我评价如果简洁得当,也是很能够帮助自己...

求自我评价和综合评价自我评价: 我是**中学的一名应届毕业生。我性格开朗、办事稳重、善于思考、自学能力强,易于接受新事物。我的基础知识扎实、实验操作技能强。是一名符合时代要求的毕业生。 作...

自我评价和他人评价自我评价和他人评价 所谓自我评价,就是借助他物对自己的一个的主观认识及认识之后的举动这样一个过程。认识也就是知道我是谁,我是怎样的一个人;我应该干什么,我在干什么;我干过...

简历自我评价和职业目标怎么写关于会计的职业发展六阶段 个人职业生涯的发展与人生的规划息息相关,其中的变数包括了求学、婚姻、生子一直到退休养老,可以用2年内、2-5年、5-10年分别为短、中、长期目标的时间区段,设...

教师应该如何正确评价自己确定恰当的职业发展目标职业生涯规划的定义、阶段与步骤 1、定义及必要性:职业生涯规划又称职业生涯设计,是指一个人与组织相结合,在对一个人职业生涯的主观、客观条件进行测定、分析和总结的基础上,对...
