

04月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[专业幼师实习生自我鉴定]我来自于广西省XX幼师学院,面临毕业到来的时候,我在本市的一所幼儿园实习了一个月的时间。时间虽然很简短,可是收获却甚多,心中萌生了许多感触。 在这一个月里,从老师们身上,我看...+阅读


我叫XX,毕业于XX大学,专业是计算机广告设计。毕业后曾从事过行政助理,专卖店店助及店长工作。工作的性质造就了我容易与人相处开朗的性格,而且我也很喜欢小孩子,因为看到他们就觉得每一天都过的很有希望的感觉。很希望自己能在贵校从事老师工作,我会用十二分的热情投入到工作当中. 以下纯粹是在下手工翻译i have heard a lot about you sir,now i finally have the chance to meet you in person.now would be a good time ,i would like for some introductions. my name is xx,i graduated from xx university.my special course is the internet advertisement design,after graduad from school ,i once has been engaged in the admimstrative assistant of a company .i also has worked as salesclerk and shopkeeper in a exclusive agency .the work nature has accomplished my open and bright disposition,so i can be together with the colleagues very easy.what is more,i also like childcen very much .because when i see them ,i will think every day would be very hopefully.i hope i can be engage in teacher in you school very much.if i became a teacher of you school,i would hard work .


以下纯粹是在下手工翻译i have heard a lot about you sir,now i finally have the chance to meet you in person.now would be a good time ,i would like for some introductions.

my name is xx,i graduated from xx university.my special course is the internet advertisement design,after graduad from school ,i once has been engaged in the admimstrative assistant of a company .i also has worked as salesclerk and shopkeeper in a exclusive agency .the work nature has accomplished my open and bright disposition,so i can be together with the colleagues very easy.what is more,i also like childcen very much .because when i see them ,i will think every day would be very hopefully.i hope i can be engage in teacher in you school very much.if i became a teacher of you school,i would hard work .


Hello, everyone. My name is Zhang Wenxin, fourteen years old this year. I'm studying in Xiamen PE and Sports School, a member of free combat team. I am an active, bright, friendly and humorous girl. So happy to stand here and introduce myself to you. Next, I'd like to sing an English song. Its name is ...





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