

04月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[送给同桌毕业赠言]送给同桌毕业赠言是由九象收集整理 欢迎阅读并分享 详见正文 我对你的第一印象就是可爱、内向、文静。 我们的性格几乎完全不同,你是个细腻、冷静的人,我是个热情活泼的人,但这...+阅读


My desk mate is a lovely girl. Her name is Li Xiang. She tells me that the meaning of her name is dream. Her parents hope her to be a girl with dream. She is a little bit shy, but I am outgoing. So I often talk to her after class. I want to make friends with her. At first, she did not talk too much, but latter, she liked talking to me. We share our interests with each other. Of course, we help each other in study and make progress together....


7 Simple Habits for an Awesome Start to Your Day The alarm bell goes off. You slowly open your eyes. A new day lies before you. A day of unexplored potential and opportunities. How can you make it more likely to become a positive and good day? Today I'd like to simply share 7 habits that I have used to make my mornings and whole days better. 1. Have a reminder on your bedside table. How will you start your very first moments and minutes of the day? One good way to get off to a good start is to have a note, a reminder on your bedside table that will be one of the first things you see after you have woken up.



My Deskmate

I have a good deskmate whose name is Sue.Sue lives next to me.Every day we go to school together.

Sue is not pretty but optistics.She always wears a smile on her face.Once Sue failed the physics exam,for she was terribly ill just before the exam and could not prepare it well.Everybody in our class thought that she would be sad about that.But to my surprise,when I saw her just after knowing the exam result,Sue was not sad.She said with a smile,“It's nothing.I'll do better next time.”

Sue is also ready to help others.Whoever has some trouble with his study,Sue tries her best to offer a help.One day on my way to school I was hit by a car and hurt my leg.Sue took me to hospital without hesitating.Sue was not able to arrive in time for class.I thanked her for that,but she said,“Don't mention it.We are deskmates.”

That is my deskmate Sue,an optistics and good girl.







英语毕业论文写作经验一 选方向 先确定自己的方向,比如文学、语言学、翻译等等,然后再考虑写具体的什么了。文学都被写烂了,语言学比较枯燥,文化方向?可以写中西文学作品对比?真难办! 文化类的题材,说实...


我的同桌是班长读后感我的同桌是班长读后感 (一) 今天,我看了一本书《我的同桌是班长》,是儿童作家伍美珍的作品。这本书写了两个故事,《我的同桌是班长》和《妈妈的爱在门背后》。 《我的同桌是班长...


我的超人同桌读后感500字心得体会我的超人同桌读后感500字 这个暑假我读了一本书,接下来,我就来介绍一下这本书 这本书的名字叫做《、我的超人同桌》。这本书分为十八篇,分别是:对星星许下一个愿望、我的超人同...

英语写作教师评语Teachers' RemarksIn my school, our head teacher will give his remakes for every student on a note book after final exam. And then I have to bring it to my paren...

我的同桌是班长读后感最好在500到600字之间六年级水平冰心说:“读书好,多读书,读好书。”放暑假了,在暑假的这几天中,我阅读了《我的同桌是班长》,这本令我回味无穷的好书。 书的主要内容是,男生杨自热的同桌是女班长蔡一心,杨自热便天...


我的同桌是班长读后感800字《我的同桌是班长》读后感 今天,自己一个人在家无聊时随意翻开一本书,就埋头看了起来。没想到越看越起劲,停不下来…… 主人公杨自热是一个好动、好说话、好做小动作的可爱的、...
