

01月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[工程造价审计财务竣工决算审计及投资后评价三者之间关系]financial completion final accounts audit and project construction cost audit 财务竣工决算审计和工程造价审计 financial:财务 completion:竣工 final:决算 accounts:审计...+阅读

I have a very outgoing personality. I'm optimistic. I have a strong ability adapt. I'm very easygoing with people, and I'm a warm-hearted person who always like to help people. I understand the spirit of teamwork. I'm very confident as well as discreet. (Note:一般如果是英文简历,他们看重的是要confident,而不是humble谦虚。)I take great responsiblity of my job, and I have a strong will for success. My psycological awareness is well-established. (Note:这里的意思是指我建立了良好的心理意识。)I'm able to deal with pressure properly, and I'm not afraid to go under complicated and chronic job.



写一份自我评价高中的生活过得这样匆忙,又这样充实。一年的时间说长也长,说短也短。说它短是因为它只是人生几十分之一,说它短是因为它是人生最关键的三步中的第一步。 这一学年在不经意间匆...


找一篇自我评价或帮忙写一下本人自入学以来,一直遵守学校的各项制度,具有良好的道德品质,各方面表现优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。 本人思想端正,吃苦耐劳,乐于助人,有崇高的理想和...

如何将供电所负责的班组建设评价细则落实到位电力班组安全文化建设 电力企业班组作为企业的细胞,在班组安全文化的建设中起到了巨大的作用。实践证明,电力企业班组建设需要安全文化,安全文化也只有与班组建设的实践相结合,...


简历中关于自我评价的英文用什么比较好要看具体的JD Job Description 的关注点是什么,还要看自己所做的工作内容与JD的交集有哪些? 这个不能一概而论,也千万不能去套模板。套模板就意味着千人一面,大家长一个样,那凭什...

简历上的自我评价英文翻译Sincere, introverted, focused; self-learning ability, the new knowledge and new technology to maintain a strong interest in learning, the ability to accept new...

英文简历自我评价请帮忙翻译成英文take responsibility, easy going, communicate with others well and a team building player. Skilled with office software such as word, excel and powerpoint. Learn...

英文简历自我评价翻译高手来谢谢!Self-evaluation: Strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet. Diligent; with sureness; re...
