

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试薪酬表达]1. The starting salary I require is HK$6,500 per month.待遇方面,本人希望月薪六千五百港币起薪。 2. I require a salary of $4,500 a month to begin with.本人希望,月薪...+阅读

Money might not be able to buy you love, but it seems most people would be willing to choose it over happiness if the results of a new survey are to be believed. More than 2500 people were asked which would make them happier - a job which paid ?50,000 with 'reasonable' hours allowing them 7.5 hours sleep or one paying ?90,000 with 'unusual' hours allowing them just six hours sleep。


Pressed about their motivation many said they felt picking the better paid job would make their family happier. Others said they would enjoy the greater social status that came with the role while some said it would give them a greater sense of purpose. The research, which will be published in the American Economic Review, is being presented at the Fourth Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences in Austria。


Most people would choose longer hours and higher pay even if they believe it would make them less happy The researchers, a team of economists from Cornell University in the U.S., found more respondents chose better pay despite the fact they believed it would make them less happy. 'Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery' - Spike Milligan Then they were asked, if push came to shove, which of the two jobs they would actually choose。


Alex Rees-Jones, one of the PhD students behind the research, said he believed the findings had political implications. He told the Daily Telegraph: 'Our research suggests that if governments choose to design policies to maximise happiness measured in their surveys, they might impose policies that people would not want for themselves.'

一个领衔该研究的博士生Alex Rees-Jones说:我闲心这项研究具有一定程度的政治意义,我们希望我们调查出的东西对于政府征订就业相关政策时会有所帮助,在如何扩大职场人士的快乐满意度上做出一些努力。



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