
Multiple offers

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Cover Letter Example - Multiple Jobs]Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Date Name Title anization Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: Y...+阅读

Multiple offersOne offer can be very flattering, let alone more than one. But before getting carried away, you will need to ask yourself:What are the reasons for me wishing to join this potential employer?Are my values in line with that of this anisation?Are there promotion and career development opportunities?If you decide to accept an offer, do so for the right reasons, and consider your skills, knowledge and attributes. Choose the offer that provides the best match.To help you to map out your decision-making process, why not get pieces of blank paper, write the job title and employers name at the top, then draw a vertical line down the middle. Give each of the two columns a heading Pros and Cons, and then start pleting each one. Doing this exercise with your partner can add value.Some people find this one of the most difficult aspects of changing job. It can be emotionally difficult letting go of the anisation you are leing, especially if you he made good friends there and he invested a lot of time and energy in doing your job to the best of your ability.


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