

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[网页设计毕业生英文自我介绍]网页设计专业的大学生,如何毕业后进入外企工作的话,那么,在面试时,就要进行一个英文自我介绍,下面就一起来为大家提供一篇英文自我介绍范文,供参考: Pesonel statement(introductio...+阅读

Dear ***,

I am **** 。I am that a man is bre is *** circle graduates。The speciality is measured and maintained,Graduate from the **** college of auto industry of *****。

I study specialized course diligently in the time at school, train one's own self-study ability。He been admitted to the time at school car steering * and shone,Repair the card in automobile intermediate。Being admitted to the automobile sale and after-sale service speciality of undergraduate course of self-study examination of the university of Jilin。

To always load in Jetta and fields lying fallow in rotation of the treasure of our pany one is practised,Receive the leader's trust, with the hey repair shop of the Audi now。

Today, the automobile is fierce in petition , it is higher and higher to people's demand。I like the automobile very much, I like the work of the automobile very much too。I can be petent at the pany and hand over any post to me。I is it is it hope leader can give me chance to let me make contribution for pany to progress to demand actively。Let me offer some strength for beautiful tomorrow of the pany,Express gratitude to the leader's culture。

Thanks for your attention,that's all.


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