

11月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读

you know theyre ing: those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews.你知道该来的总会来:那些看起来无法回答的问题总会在求职面试的时候突然冒出来。you cant clam up. and you dont want to stutter and stammer. so whats a job seeker to do?你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。那么,一个求职者应该怎么做呢?the future question关于将来的问题otherwise known as the big picture question, the future question goes something like this: where do you see yourself in five years?除了那些宏观的问题之外,关于未来的问题总是像这样的:你觉得五年后你会在什么位置上?the best tactic: talk about your values.最好的策略:谈论你的价值观。

dont get too detailed about your specific career plan. instead, discuss things that are important to you professionally and how you plan to achieve them. if growth is a goal, mention that. you can also talk about challenge, another value that employers prize in their employees.不要把你的职业规划说的太详细。取而代之的是,谈论一些在职业方面对你很重要的事情以及你打算怎样实现这些。如果成长是一个目标,可以提一下。你还可以说说挑战,这是雇主在员工身上很重视的一点。

the salary question关于薪水的问题most people will tell you that whoever answers this question first loses. but thats not necessarily true.大多数人都会告诉你谁最先回答这个问题谁就输了。但也不一定是真的。when an interviewer asks your salary requirement, try first to gently deflect the question by inquiring about the salary for the position.如果以为雇主问你待遇要求,首先试试打个擦边球,问问这个职位的薪水是多少。if the interviewer presses you for a number, give a range. to decide on a range, think about the salary you want, your salary at your most recent position and the industry-standard salary for the job.如果面试官一定让你说个数字,给个范围。

决定这个数字的时候,考虑一下你想要的薪水,你最近一份工作的薪水以及这份工作的普遍行情。the bottom line: the salary question is one of the most important, so you should prepare for it in advance and plan what to say.底线原则:薪水问题是最重要的问题之一,所以你应该事先准备打算好要怎么回答。the why question关于为什么的问题theres a fine line between boastful and confident. and you need to learn it.在自负和自信之间有一条线,你需要知道这条线在哪。

when an interviewer asks you why they should hire you, youre going to he speak confidently and honestly about your abilities. but you should oid sounding overly boastful.


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