

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谈论商务礼仪的英语情景对话]陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他散会后跟同事Amy一起往外走。(Office ambience)A:CH, What happened to you during your presentation?C:你注意到什么了吗?A:You were doing a...+阅读

国际商展上,一位美国进口商正在和一位华籍业务员交谈。Salesman: Good morning. May I help you?

早上好。能为您效劳吗?Importer: I wonder if you can give me more information about this puter model you're showing?

你可以多给我-些你们正在展示的这种类型的电脑的资料吗?Salesman: I'd be glad to help. Would you like a packet of our promotional literature?

乐意为您服务。您要一份促销文件吗?Importer: Thank you. I see your puter is fully IBM patible.

谢谢。我发现你们的电脑可以和IBM完全相容。Salesman: Yes, this model can run any software or DOS program an IBM personal puter can run.

没错。IBM个人电脑可执行的软件或DOS程序,这种类型的电脑都能执行。Importer: These models seem to be quite small.

这种机型似乎很小。Salesman: Yes, one of the problems our pany was trying to solve when we worked on this model was to do away with the bulk of IBM desktops and their clones. Our puter is only 11 pounds.

是的,我们开发这机型时要改善的一个问题就是IBM台式机的笨重机体。我们的电脑只有十一磅重。Importer: Remarkable! There's nothing quite like seeing a problem and solving it to create a good product. Are all the ponents made here in Taiwan?



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