

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[应聘面试,别耍“小聪明”]某招聘现场,某公司正对十余位求职者进行最后一轮面试: “你觉得自己有什么缺点?”主考官忽然问一位姓邓的求职者。“我工作过于投入,人家都说我是工作狂。”邓先生不加思考便脱...+阅读

Subtle Tactics That Help Job Seekers Stand Out


Every job candidate wants to stand out from the crowd, especially in todays petitive employment market。


According to a recent report from the U.S. Department of LaborsBureau of Labor Statistics, there are about 6 unemployed workerspeting, on erage, for each job opening. Thats the highest levelsince the bureau started tracking these figures nine years ago。


If youve been searching for a new position and hent seen muchsuccess, you may be tempted to try more creative ways to get noticed.But beware: You can attract a prospective employers attention in the wrong way。


When Robert Half International asked executives to describe the mostunusual thing they had seen or heard an applicant do to distinguishhim- or herself on the job hunt, examples included a candidate who sangduring the interview and another who brought a 10-page binder detailinghis work history。


Insteadof these types of over-the-top tactics, try the following ones, which made positive impressions on the executives we surveyed:


Ask Questions 问问题

Most job seekers research a firm before being interviewed there, but many stop digging once they show up for the meeting. When speaking with the hiring manager, ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the position and pany. One executive in the survey noted that a jobseeker turned the table and wanted to know all about me. The tactic worked.


Some questions will e up naturally, but you also can prepare some for the hiring manager before hand, such as How did you start with the pany, and what has your career progression been? Or you might ask about the firm itself: I recently read about the panys newlocation in Europe. Does the firm he plans to continue expanding internationally?


Dress Up 打扮得体

What you wear to the job interview can significantly influence anemployers impression of you. If you show up to the interview dressedsloppily, even if the firm is known for its laid-back atmosphere, the hiring manager may question your professionalism or interest in the opportunity。


It may seem old-school, but its typically best to wear a clean,well-pressed suit whenever you meet with a potential employer. Keep accessories to a minimum and choose neutral colors so youre not remembered as the candidate who wore bright pink。


Say Thanks 说出你的感谢

Following up an interview with a well-thought-out thank-you note candistinguish you from other applicants because many job candidates fet this step. Reiterate your interest in the position and remind the hiring manager of one or two of your best selling points。


Customize your note by referencing something from your conversation with the potential employer, such as your mutual love of Thai food. One way to truly stick out, according to anexecutive we polled: Send a handwritten thank-you note as opposed toemail。


With fierce petition in the job market, you need to distinguishyourself from others who may seem similar to you on paper. By followingthe above advice, you can lee hiring managers with a lasting,positive impression, improving your chances of moving on in theinterview process and ultimately securing the job。



应届生求职面试别耍小聪明俗话说,金无足赤,人无完人。人生立世诚为本。诚实最终会带来好运。所以,求职者在求职面试时千万别耍小聪明。 某招聘现场,某公司正对十余位求职者进行最后一轮面试: “你觉得自己...

求职面试时别耍小聪明俗话说,金无足赤,人无完人。人生立世诚为本。诚实最终会带来好运。所以,求职者在求职面试时千万别耍小聪明。 某招聘现场,某公司正对十余位求职者进行最后一轮面试: “你觉得自己...
