

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com


There is an age -old saying man is judged by the boots he wear. Butis it only the boots? Well if you ask the corporate world, then bootsare not enough. The employee has to be presentable and should dressright.The dressing protocol is not limited to any single industry but has spread its wings allover. Different sectors he different set of rules for their employeesto dress. The reasons given for the same may be ranging from culture,atmosphere to ethics. So what is the right dressing code?

常言道:观鞋识人。但是仅仅鞋就够了吗?如果你问一些公司职员,会发现仅仅靠鞋子是不够的。 职员们需要打扮得体。外交礼节不仅仅局限于某一方面,而是涉及到各个方面。不同的部门对他们的员工着装有不同的规定。那么怎么打扮才是比较得体的装扮呢?

It is true that the dressing style vary according to the industry to reflect the culture and work ethics of the workplace. Since the atmosphere within certain business munities, for e.g. an ad agency tends to be informal, the attire of the employees reflects this outlook. On the other hand, protocol of corporate dressing in sectors such as hospitality, IT, banking etc,is more conservative as it reflects directly on employeeprofessionalism。

着装风格依据行业而定,反应了所在公司的文化和工作理念。比如广告公司就比较随意,他们职员的着装也反映了这一点。另一方面,像医院,IT业,银行等,就比较保守,体现雇员的专业性。 But now, many anizations he now realized thefact that younger employee of today is more fashion conscious andexperiment a lot with style even with his formal wears. The paniesare also waking up to this fact and are flooding the market with formalyet fashionable attire。


Rememberthat dressing perfectly to work everyday is important for the pletelook and feel for the employees and the anization. So, next time youbuy that business shirt, make sure that it fits your office culture andgives you a dressed to kill outlook。



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