

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[应聘业务员自我介绍]都个求职者都有自己应聘自我介绍的方式,若应聘业务员一职,如何在自我介绍中展示自己的优点呢?以下为您提供一篇应聘业务员自我介绍范文,请参考。 尊敬的各位领导: 下午好,我叫马xx...+阅读


L: Good afternoon, sir.

H: Good afternoon. Please take a seat.

L: Thank you.

H: You are Feida Ning? I am Henry Hudson.

L: Yes. Nice to see you, Mr. Hudson.

H: To start with, tell me about your education, please.

L: All right. I graduated from Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade three years ago. I majored in international trade.

H: Very well. I see from your resume that you he been working for an import and export pany in Beijing since your graduation from college. What is your chief responsibility there?

L: I am responsible for exporting light industrial machinery to some Asian and European countries.

H: He you trelled a lot in your work?

L: Yes. I he trelled dozens of times abroad. I he been to such countries as Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia, Burma, the herlands, Denmark, Italy, Germany and England to do business.

H: Are you single or married?

L: I'm still single. Nowadays many young people in China are not in a hurry to get married. They'd rather secure their careers before they settle down in a family.

H: That's the kind of man we are looking for. Our promotion work entails much trel. So we need employees without family burdens yet. Now tell me if you he a good mand of both written and spoken English.

L: When I was at college, I passed Band Six of College English Test. I also passed Business English Certificate Test. All the foreign businessmen I've dealt with say my English is quite good.

H: May I ask why you want to change jobs?

L: Because I wish to get a more challenging opportunity at a foreign capital pany.

H: Why are you interested in this pany?

L: A friend of mine works here, and he told me about your pany, so I became interested. I think working in this pany would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge.

H: What do you know about this pany?

L: This pany is one of the biggest manufacturing panies in the world. There're a lot of branches in all parts of the world with the head office in the U. S. A. IBM (china) co. Ltd. was set up in Beijing in 1992. It has established branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Wuhan and Xi'an. It deals in business machines.

H: Do you know what GMFNT stands for?

L: Of course. It stands for General Most-Fored-Nation Treatment. If one nation enjoys this kind of treatment, it is accessible to tariff preference for imported goods from another nation.

H: Now I'm going to ask you a few professional questions. What is the first thing to do in international trade?

L: As a buyer, you first he to make an inquiry. And as a seller, you he to make an offer.

H: Can you name some terms of payment?

L: Of course. Irrevocable letter of credit, confirmed letter of credit, and transferable and divisible letter of credit are mon terms of payment in international trade.

H: You are right. We'll notify you of our final decision within one week.

L: Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for your interview with me. You can Email your decision to me. I hope to see you again.



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