
英语励志文章:Why are you poor

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读

The most important thing to being rich for you is to he a mindset to want to bee rich. The reason I saythat is this, is because I wanted to bee rich when I played Monopoly, that was, I was nine years old. The greatest formula for wealth is found on that board game. When I was nine years old my poor dad, the schoolteacher says, Ah put that game away. Study, study, study! You're wasting your time playing Monopoly.

And my rich dad said the formula, You must open your mind and see the formula right on Monopoly. He said, It's right in front of you. And I went, What's the formula? And finally I learned the formula is, four green houses, red hotel, four green houses, red hotel. Today I'm a rich man because all I ever did since the time I was 24 years old was buy four green houses, sell them all, buy a red hotel, four green houses, red hotel. It is not, that you he to go to school to bee rich. Just play Monopoly; four green houses, red hotel. That's it.

You must look at how people before you he bee rich. Do not talk to poor people. Poor people will tell you, Oh it's too risky. Dont do that. Don't take risk. Se your money. Play it safe. That is a poor person's mindset. You must he an open mindset, open. And if you he an open mindset you will learn from everything.If you he a closed mindset you will learn from nothing. So I think that is the most important thing.

The difference between money and wealth

No, I don't he a salary. I only had a job four years in my life. I dont want a salary. The middle class and poor, what they want is high ine. They think they want money. But they he no wealth because they he no assets. You must know the difference between money and wealth but they're not the same same. Money will never make you rich. This makes you rich. I he large panies. I he lots of stocks. I trade options. I he real estate, that's what makes me rich. So the money just es in whether I work or not.

Bill Gates makes $500,000 a year. That's all. I make more than him. That's all he makes but he's worth 40 billion. I'm trying to tell you there is a very big difference between ine, money and wealth. So I he spent my life buying assets, businesses, stocks, real estate, thats what makes you rich, not a job. The reason the rich in America get richer is they pass this on to their kids. My poor dad always said, High paying job, high paying job, high paying job. And my rich dad said, Assets, assets, assets. That's the difference.


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