

11月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[献给正在为OFFER奔波的同学们]找工作刚开始的时候难免被拒 八面玲珑的牛人固然有,但和中有奖发票的概率一样少 你抽中的是谢谢惠顾的那一张,就是说明你很正常 其实大家完全可以看开点 没有OFFER不是说明你...+阅读

What to Do If Your Industry Is on the Way Out


People in almost every profession may feel like jobs are scarce right now. For many industries, this is a temporary situation. But jobs in some fields are expected to continue disappearing even after the economy picks up.


Is your industry on the decline? The federal government projects that a number of industries will lose jobs from 2008 to 2018.


You can't sit around and wait for news to e out about what's going to happen to your industry, said Alexandra Levit, author of New Job, New You. You he to be proactive about this.

New Job, New You.一书的作者Alexandra Levit说:你不能坐在那里等着别人告诉你你所在行业将会发生什么变化。对此,你必须要主动。

Disappearing Jobs


Here's a list of the top 10 industries expected to lose the most jobs by 2018 -- and what to do if you're working in one of them:


1. Department stores: Projected to lose 10.2 percent of the 1.56 million jobs they had in 2008.


People are doing their shopping online, Levit said. To survive, stores need to offer value beyond the products they sell, such as special events or superiorcustomer service. To increase the chances that you'll keep your own job, you need to be on the innovationtrain.


You need to be front and center with management, giving them suggestions for how they can remain petitive, she said.


2. Semiconductormanufacturing: Projected to lose 33.7 percent of the 432,000 jobs it had in 2008.


Semiconductors are one of several manufacturing industries on the declining list. Because so many different types of manufacturing jobs are disappearing, it will not be easy to simply get another manufacturing job. You may need to develop some pletely new skills.


Levit suggests beefing up your resume with volunteer work so you can show skills that will be applicable in other industries. For example, helping a volunteer anization deal with its members can show that you he client-service skills.


3. Motor vehicle parts manufacturing: Projected to lose 18.6 percent of its 544,000 jobs.


4. Postal service: Projected to lose 13 percent of the 748,000 jobs it had in 2008.


5. Printing and related jobs: Projected to lose 16 percent of its 594,000 jobs.


6. Cut-and-sew apparel manufacturing: Projected to lose 57 percent of its 155,000 jobs.


7. Newspaper publishers: Projected to lose 24.8 percent of its 326,000 jobs.


8. Mining support jobs: Projected to lose 23.2 percent of its 328,000 jobs.


9. Gas stations: Projected to lose 8.9 percent of its 843,000 jobs.


10. Wired tele: Projected to lose 11 percent of its 666,000 jobs.


Are You Affected?


What should you do if your industry is on this list? First, don't panic. The job declines in these industries are projected to take place over a decade. And many jobs -- a majority in most of these industries -- will remain even after 10 years.


Still, it's good to start thinking about Plan B. Build your sings and start researching what other industries might be able to use your skills.


If you're nearing retirement and had been planning to move into a different field, you might want to make the move earlier. And if you he many years of work ahead of you, you should consider seriously whether it's feasible for you to stay in your industry for the long term.


Start sharpening your transferrable skills, Levit said. These include project management, budgeting, and customer service. You want to be developing a resume that showcases the skills you he in all those areas.



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