

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Interview其他建议]本站整理Interview其他建议 Q:How long would you like to stay with this pany?(你会在本公司服务多久呢?) A:I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in...+阅读

The recession may be over, but the job market recovery is lagging way behind. And experts say the situation may get worse before it gets better.


In the aftermath of recessions, there's always a period of jobless recovery, says John Challenger, CEO of global outplacement firm Challenger Gray Christmas. We' re certainly not optimistic about seeing much improvement in the unemployment rate in 2010.

全球新职介绍公司Challenger Gray Christmas 的执行总裁John Challenger 说:经济不景气之后,总会有个就业复苏期,但是我们的确对2010年的就业率不抱多少乐观态度。

Some industries will likely pick up faster than others. Industries such as construction and manufacturing will probably begin to hire sooner. Retail, tourism, and hospitality, which depend entirely on consumer spending, will probably be among the last to recover.


It's important to remember that even when the overall number of jobs goes down, some panies are still adding workers -- it's just that others are cutting even more.


There are always jobs, Challenger says. panies are always hiring. But the petition is much tougher.


Experts offer advice for surviving -- and thriving -- in the next year:


If You're Still Employed:


This might not be a good time to move to a new job. If your job seems unstable or you're offered your dream job, it may be worth it. But if you go to a new pany and the pany realizes it was overly optimistic about hiring, you could be let go --into the worst job market in decades.


It may be better to make the most of this next year where you are. Figure out how to do a better job, says Valerie Frederickson, founder and CEO of Menlo Park, California-based Valerie Frederickson Co., a human resource executive search and consulting firm. Can you get assigned to a team working on a hot new project, or volunteer for a task that will give you new, marketable skills? What's going to be the next we?

明年保持原位不动可能是更明智的。Valerie Frederickson Co在加州的高级人力资源搜寻和咨询公司Menlo Park创立者及现任CEO的Valerie Frederickson说:想一想怎样做好一份工作。你是否能够分配到正在处理一个热门项目的队伍中?你是否愿意承担将会给予你新的更有市场价值的工作?下一批工作浪潮将会是什么?


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