

11月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[网页设计毕业生英文自我介绍]网页设计专业的大学生,如何毕业后进入外企工作的话,那么,在面试时,就要进行一个英文自我介绍,下面就一起来为大家提供一篇英文自我介绍范文,供参考: Pesonel statement(introductio...+阅读





2.在你摁下发送按钮之前,一定要double check一下。发邮件是一件覆水难收的事情。如果你实在没空重新检查一遍,也一定要看看数字是否正确,有些句子的意思有没有弄反了。

3.要记住,不要用大词,不要用那些迂腐的古董般的啰哩啰唆的表达方式。比如please be advised thatShould you required any further clarification please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

in view of the fac that , it has e to my attention that这样的表达方式并不能让你看起来更醒目。


5. 如果你处于比较弱势的或者被动的地位,或者你觉得自己的英文不够好,请多研究对方的邮件。如果你觉得自己的英文太牛逼了,比那些老外都要好,有时候也要尽量采用对方的表达方式。因为这样他们理解起你来就容易多了。当然,如果对方是英语国家的人,你想要炫耀就随意吧。


Dear Brad,

After we receive the sample of Air Release System and instruction you sent to us, weve found that it is effective only for steam cooking. However, most of the recipes for PC are related to soup (such as pettitoes, pork ribs, chicken, beef and so on, together with some vegetable, are cooked in lots of water and form soup ) .

Thank you for the sample of Air Release System and the instruction. We find it only works for steam cooking. However, most of the PC recipes are for soups, such as pettitoes, pork ribs/steaks, chicken, etc. which are cooked in a lot of water with some vegetables.

Kelvin suggests that Air Release System can also preserve the vitamins, so maybe we can apply it

to our high end products.

Therefore, we expect to understand its effective on preserving vitamin, and how it works to realize this function, in order to he a better understanding on its function, and further to decide whether to introduce it to domestic China.

As Kelvin suggested Air Release System works/worked well at preserving vitamins, and we think it might be a good idea to use it on our high-end products. So we hope to get a better understanding of how it works on preserving vitamins, and decide whether to introduce it to China or not.


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