

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英美重要节日]January 1 New Year's Day(新年) 15 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday 19 Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday Observed February 12 Lincoln's Birthday 14 Valentine's...+阅读

Hello everyone, this is Rosalyn from HJ English. Wele to Brits vs Yanks, Written by a Brit.

【Spot the Difference 差异点播】

Something that Ive realized recently while talking to my American friends is that difference of usage in the word pissed. British people use this word all the time, generally talking about their weekend. Americans he a much different usage however.


【Interaction Time 互动时间 】

Here is a little test for you. Try to work out the difference in meaning of the word pissed from the 2 sentences below.


Brits: What a night! We started out at Sarahs house and made some cocktails, then had some drinks at a couple of bars in town. Sarah and I were quite pissed by the end of the night, we couldnt stop laughing in the taxi on the way home!


Yanks: My mom is really pissed. She thinks that I could work harder at college, and wants me to spend less time with my friends. Shes mainly pissed that my grades are lower this term!




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