

11月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com



What you lee off your CV is very important . Decide what is relevant and edit out the rest . For examples , similar jobs can be grouped together under just one heading and emphasize promotions rather just listing all your job positions . Lee off:

Irrelevant temporary job positionsYour religion : unless applying for a job at a religious institutionPolitical affiliationsInformation about your family members Lies about your job experience or educational background Health problemsMarital status What you hated about your last job What you hated about your last boss or co-workersYour photographSalary history Age (for age , marital status and family status you need to be culturally aware.In the US it is not the custom to include these details . In the UK date of birth is optional and marital status on longer required . Other countries will he different requirements )如果篇幅够用,你的简历还可以包括如下内容:

Things you could lee off , if your CV is being too long:

Interests and hobbies ; anything relevant could be included elsewhere or put in your covering letterSuperfluous information ; driving licence or school gradesReferences ( there is no need to provide references until a job offer has been made . You can state references are ailable on request or on receipt of a job offer


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如何准确描述英文简历中的英文职位中英文职位对照 Education and Library Science(教育部分) Daycare Worker 保育员 ESL Teacher 第二外语教师 Developmental Educator 发展教育家 Head Teacher 高级教师 Fo...

个人能力与工作岗位不相同怎样写简历一、简历不注明应聘岗位名称 对于每天接收成百上千封简历的招聘人员,如果你的简历不注明应聘的岗位名称,可能一下就被淘汰了,谁让你不明确应聘目标,与人提供方便呢。 二、简历与...

英文简历要领英文简历要领 1、招聘人员怎样鉴别简历? 好简历当然会被保留,如果背景又恰好是公司急需的,可能马上就会约见求职者,不好的简历就会被扔掉,事实上,不好的简历就会被扔掉,事实上,连看...

外贸人士英文简历外贸人士英文简历 Name: fanwen51 Gender: Female Wedlock: keep secret Nation: Han Residence: XXstreet,XXapartment Age: 32 Location: Guangdong-Guangzhou Height: 160...

写求职简历同时要主意细节1、注意字体大小,尽量保持字迹清晰可辨。 2、字与字之间不要粘连以免改变单个字体的形态影响辨识效果。 3、避免使用一些不易为扫描仪辨识的字体,如:新艺体,古印体等。 4、不要...
