

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[如何有效控制企业培训不超出成本](一)企业培训的总预算及其使用 1、企业培训的总预算。各企业培训的总预算多少不一,这是正常的。但应该有一个适当的比例。国际大公司的培训总预算一般占上一年总销售额的1%--3%...+阅读



P: We beat our profit forecast for the quarter, so weve got to be pleased.

C: I agreed, although there are some areas of concern.

P: Yes, but we always thought it would be a tough quarter. $2 million profit on $59 million of revenue is a good performance.

C: Thats true. Were all delighted that profits went up. But revenues fell for the second quarter in a row-that is what worries me.

P: But we always predicted that, which was why we reduced costs by as much as we did.

C: Yes, I see that operating costs fell from $53 million in Q3 to $46 in Q4.

P: We made the mist of sing by switching to cheaper suppliers.

C: So what accounted for the rest of the costs?

P: One-off charges, either relating to redundancy payments or strategic acquisitions.

C: And what about the profit breakdown by geographic region?

P: Asia made $1.5 million profit: the Americas mad $ 1 million in profit; and we lost $500,000 in Europe.

C: Europe is still dragging us back then.

P: Yes, but we still improved on a loss of $ 700,000 in Q3.

C: And what about our European revenues?

P: They remained flat.

C: Well if we can keep costs low we might manage to break even in Europe in the next quarter.

P: Probably. We expect to see profitability in Europe in the next three to six months.

C: Is there any more scope for cost-cutting next years?

P: We expect to make some sing on shipping cost, but nothing major.

C: Thats fair enough, its not as if we need to do anything drastic.




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