

11月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[名企经典面试题回答秘籍]面试题一:你的薪酬要求是什么? 须知,除非你是对方急需的人才,一般地,让你去 的单位是不会与你在此有很大的谈判余地的,也就是说,你只能按照其薪酬标准行事。故此,没有必要大谈特谈...+阅读


Talk it out. When moving from one job to another or transitioning between bosses and departments you can easily get stuck with twice the work. You might be eager to start the new job, but the expert advisessitting down with the old and new bosses together to reach an agreement about how the transition will be handled. Who will take over your oldrole? What will your new jobsresponsibilities entail? If youre askedto take on work in addition to what you do now, ask for a priority listand find out who you will report to for the new responsibilities。


Understand the new rules.Just because you arestill in the same pany, doesnt mean you will be playing by the samerules. Take the time to learn how things operate in your new worksituation. Do not say Its easy to think, I know the pany, and Ivebeen here for 20 years. Its really important not to assume that itsthe same. While you handed in monthly reports and held monthly meetingsin your old job, a new manager may expect you to report your progressweekly or meet more frequently. Be sure to ask about these detailsearly on. And talk to colleagues about the particulars of thedepartmental culture.


Stay open. Reanization usually leads to angst and fear amongemployees, whether its a forite co-worker whose place youll betaking or former peers who now report to you. Youll be bringingwhatever old baggage you he and dealing with the worries of newcolleagues. Dont be surprised by push-back from co-workers who may seeyour new role as a threat. Be open with your colleagues about your roleand how it fits into the group。

开诚布公地与同事交流。重组通常会在雇员中造成焦虑和恐惧情绪。不论你将要接手你最喜爱的同伴的职位,还是过去的同事现在要向你汇报工作,你都应该勇于承担旧包袱,并消除新同事心里的担忧。对于同事的不配合行为不要感到诧异,他们很可能视你的新角色为眼中钉。你应该开诚布公地与同事们探讨你的新角色以及如何融入团队。 Learn to let go. Consider in advance what mighthappen if youre needed back in the old job even temporarily. Willyour new manager be on board with the idea? Can other colleagues oroutside consultants help if a crisis hits and your hands are full? Make sure you run interference for yourself, and plan for the unexpected。


Manage your relationships. While you may he a new set of colleagues, preserving relationships with old co-workers and managersis important, particularly in such a volatile work environment. Stop byto say hello or to invite a former boss to coffee. Theres so much reanization. You might end up back with those people。



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