

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[欢迎新同事致辞]I am Peter, Sales manager of the pany. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to wele you to our pany. As you are aware that our pany is the one of...+阅读

Do you want to know how to make your coworkers hate you? Follow this advice. These are surefire ways to ensure your coworkers will look forward to the day you are gone. Avoid these behiors if you want to help create harmony in your workplace.你想让你的同事讨厌你吗?那就照着我们的建议做吧。这样的话你同事一定都会期盼着你走的那一天。如果想和同事相处融洽的话就要避免做这些事情了。1.Talk Loudly on Your Cell Phone ... Especially in the Bathroom大声的讲电话,特别是在卫生间里Your co-workers don't want to listen to your cell phone conversations. They are not as entertaining to anyone as they are to you. More importantly, they don't want to hear you talk on your phone while you are in the bathroom. It makes them unfortable.你的同事并不想听你讲电话。

电话里的内容对你来说是种乐趣,对他们来说却不是。更重要的是,他们不想听你在卫生间讲电话,这会让他们很不舒服。2.Take Credit for Your Co-Workers' Contributions to a Project将你同事对一个项目的贡献全部归功于自己When your boss congratulates you on a job well done, don't mention that you had a lot of help. Why does she need to know anyway? Better to look like you did it all on your own. And, when you need some help on the next project, where do you think your co-workers will be? Not on your team.当你的上司赞扬你某项工作做得很好时,不要告诉他在完成工作途中你得到了不少帮助。

总之他为什么要知道这些呢?最好看上去是你一个人完成这项工作的。这样,下次你工作中需要帮助时,你认为你的同事还会帮你吗?不会的。3.e to Work Sick带病工作If you he a cold or a stomach virus, spread it around. Your co-workers will thank you. On second thought, no they won't. Well, hopefully they'll he the decencyto call in sick and stop spreading the illness further.如果你感冒了或者得了肠炎,那就赶紧四处传播病毒吧。

你的同事会感激你的。仔细想想,不,他们不会感激你的。那么,希望他们会礼貌的要求停止疾病的传播吧。4.Share Everything With Your Co-Workers和你的同事分享一切Your co-workers are a curious bunchso it is in their best interests if you tell them everything about your personal life even if, no make that especially if, it makes them unfortable. Your motto should be too much information is never enough.你的同事时一堆特别好奇的人,所以如果你告诉他们你的一切私生活的话,他们会特别感兴趣,即使(尽量忽略这个即使吧)这样做会让他们感到不舒服。

你的名言应该是再多的信息也是远远不够的。5.Talk to Your Co-Workers About Religion and Politics和你的同事谈宗教和政治的问题Ah, religion and politics ... two topics about which everyone is in total agreement. Well, not exactly. Your co-workers may be very sensitive about these topics so if you want to offend them in a hurry, make sure they know why your beliefs are the only right ones.啊..宗教和政治,几乎是每个人都完全认同的两个话题。其实不是的。



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