
商务礼仪之Knowing Your Boundaries at Work

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谈论商务礼仪的英语情景对话]陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他散会后跟同事Amy一起往外走。(Office ambience)A:CH, What happened to you during your presentation?C:你注意到什么了吗?A:You were doing a...+阅读

陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他在走廊上遇到同事Amy。(Office ambience)C:早上好,Amy. 我刚听到一条办公室的小道消息。A:小道消息?C:是关于销售部那个金发美女Sally的。A:I know a Sally Smith in Marketing. I don't know anything about her except that she appears to be quite talented.C:我从来没有跟她共事过,听说挺能干的,不过这件事跟工作无关。A:Then why are you talking about her?C:我听说她结婚刚刚几个月,就在闹离婚了。

A:I'm sorry, Chen Hao. What does this he to do with work?C:当然跟工作无关了,说说罢了。A:This is gossip. How did you e to know this?C:会计部的Tim跟Sally是朋友,他告诉了Melissa, Melissa又告诉了我。A:So, is everyone talking about this now?C:大家都在传。Amy, 你干嘛那么不高兴,是因为Sally要离婚,替她觉得惋惜吗?A:No. Well, yes, I am sorry to hear that kind of news, but that is not what is bothering me. Let's talk about this over lunch.C:好,那我们中午在餐厅见。



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