

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[欢迎新同事致辞]I am Peter, Sales manager of the pany. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to wele you to our pany. As you are aware that our pany is the one of...+阅读

How to Be a Cool Colleague

1 Dont steal other peoples things. Yes, we all like to borrow a stapler or mug every now and again, but return it. Nothing is more infuriating however minor it seems. 借了同事的东西一定要归还。

2 Be trustworthy. If you are told a secret once and you share it, dont ever expect to be trusted again. 做个值得信赖的人,不要到处传话。

3 Dont expect your colleagues to carryyour workload. The working week ends on Friday afternoon - not Thursday lunchtime.自己分内的工作自己完成。

4 Acknowledge other peoples successes with good grace and good humor. 真心赞赏同事的成就。

5 Remember, if youre gossiping and backstabbing someone, that person will assume you are doing it about them, too. In the office, be kind, considerate and keep your nose clean. 办公室里不议论他人,不攻击他人。

6 To make the right decisions and push them through, you will need the kid gloves more often than the boxing gloves. 做出一个正确的决定并去实现它,你更需要的是哄小孩的耐性,而不是要和自己的同事拼个你死我活。



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