[求职面试该如何自我介绍]求职面试该如何自我介绍? 一.详细了解自我介绍的分类 简单来讲自我介绍根据介绍人的不同,可以分为主动型自我介绍和被动型自我介绍两种类型。 (1)在社交活动中,在欲结识某个人或...+阅读
The purpose of a letter of applicationis to help the applicant obtain the job he is interested in. It should state clearly what position the applicant wants, and should tell what his abilities are and what he has to offer. It should provide a quick, clear picture of the applicant's qualifications, acplishment and aims. It should present the applicant to possible employees in the best light.
A well-written letter of application, however, does not necesarily guarantee a position; but it does insure consideration and a better chance of an interview. The applicant cannot hope to get his whole story into his letter, but he should cover enough ground to intrigue the prospective employer and make the employer willing to meet him, speak to him, and find out more about him. It takes more than a good letter to land a job; instead, it takes ability, specific experience, and good character. But the letter may open the door for the applicant, and give him the chance to sell himself.
A letter of application should be simple, human, personal and brief without omitting any essential or pertinent facts. The applicant is well advised not to write a dull, stereotyped letter of application. What he should do is to make the letter interesting. Generalities should be oided in it, that is, it should be specific. The letter should be typed if possible. When the applicant can neither type his letter, nor has it typed by someone else, he should write it out very neatly and legibly in case the letter is discarded for its illegibility
Jacob: And here is where you'll be working. Barbara will e to show you how to set up the telephones and give you the rundown on the puter, passwords, and anything else you need to know to get going. I think I'll call her now so you can get started. Is that alright? Do you he any questions?
Katharine: No, not at the moment, thanks. I'm happy to get started.
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