

11月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[要求升迁面试实例]我们来看看升迁面试的实例。 G=Geia; H=Harold, personnel manager H: e in. Please sit down. G: Thanks, Mr. Harold. I'm Geia. H: OK, what can I do for you, Geia? G: We...+阅读

561.What can I do for you?

我能帮你什么?562.I've worked here as a typist for about a year,and I'd like to he a chance of advancement.我在此已做打字员一年了,我期望一个升迁的机会。563.I would like to he a chance to get ahead.我希望有一个提升的机会。564.I'd like to he a chance of a pay raise.我希望加薪水。565.What job are you applying for?你要求做什么工作?566.I'd like a secretarial job in the clerical department.我希望到办公部门做秘书事务工作。567.I'd like an office job in the personnel department.我希望到人事部门做办公室工作。568.Do you understand the duties?你知道那项工作包括什么?569.I'm not quite sure,but I think it should be typing,filing and answering phones.我不十分清楚,但我想应包括打字、管理文件和接电话等工作。570.I'm not sure,but I think it should be collecting orders,and sending products.我不十分清楚,但我想应该包括收集订单和发货物。571.OK.You he the seniority and I know you can do the job.好,你具备应有资历,你会把工作做好的。572.Do you understand probation?你了解公司的试用期情况吗?573.Yes,I think so.是的,我知道。574.I he 30 days to learn the job,right?我需要30天来学会新工作,对吗?575.I he half a year to learn the job,right?我用半年的时间学新工作,对吗?576.That's right.没错。577.You can start on the 1st of July,OK?你可以从7月1日开始,行不行?578.No problem.没问题。579.I'll try my best to learn the new job.我将尽力做好新工作。580.I'll try my best to better the pany's position.我将尽力改善我公司的状况。


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