

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[德国失业者须做“1欧元”工作]Jobless workers in Germany are now required to accept jobs paying just 1 euro an hour. Those include jobs such as sweeping the streets, planting trees and remov...+阅读

Former project manager Bob Short has a ready answer to describe which job is more difficult -- his old post at Nuveen Investments or his current position as stay-at-home dad.考试大论坛

路透纽约7月30日电(记者 Ellen Wulfhorst)---当曾就职于芝加哥Nuveen Investments的萧特(Bob Short)被问到究竟哪份工作更难?投行的项目经理还是全职奶爸。

This is harder, said Short, one of the victims of a U.S. recession that has hit men harder than women in the job market.


The suburban Chicago father of three is part of a new we of stay-at-home dads who lost jobs in the financial sector turmoil and now grapple full-time with making lunches, anizing playdates and chauffeuring children to activities.


Unemployment has affected more men than women, with men accounting for three out of every four U.S. jobs lost, and the number of families in which wives are primary breadwinners has jumped sharply since the recession began.


There's no official tally of Wall Streeters turned at-home parents, and stay-at-home dads overall are hard to count because many will not admit it, said Ron Mattocks of Houston, a stay-at-home dad and former analyst for hedge funds.

休斯顿的Ron Mattocks曾任对冲基金分析员,现在是一名全职奶爸,他说,没有官方数据显示有多少华尔街职员成为家庭妇男,也很难计算这个人群的总数,因为许多人不愿意承认。


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