

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我们的未来在哪里]我们的未来在哪里?写给所有在大城市打工的80后们 大学毕业近四年,在北京私企打工,月薪四千多,没北京户口也没女朋友更不用提房子了。这就是我的现状,相信也是很多在私企打工的人...+阅读


The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) listed its occupations with the largest number of total job openings due to growth and replacements from 2006 through 2016. Check out a few of the jobs that made the cut, and find out how you can use career training to secure a new position.


Career #1: Registered Nurses


This popular health care career tops the list with an amazing amount of projected growth. Over a million new jobs for registered nurses are expected to open up through 2016. And unlike some medical careers, you dont need to work through years of medical school; some registered nurses earn an associates degree. The BLS reports that registered nurses earned mean annual wages of $65,130 in 2008, making nursing a caring career with real rewards.

这个广受欢迎的医疗护理职业位列榜首,有着惊人的潜在增长率。预计到2016 年,将会产生超过一百万份的注册护士工作职位。并且,和其他的医疗事业不同。你不用在医校读很多年书。一些注册护士持有大专以上学历。据BLS报告,注册护士2008年的年薪是65,130美元,这使得护士成为一份真正付出有所回报的事业。

Career #2: Child Care Workers


Working with children means hing a fun and engaging career with a high level of potential job growth. About 646,000 new jobs are expected to open up through 2016. While entry level jobs in child care may be found with brief certification or on-the-job training, more lucrative management positions may require an associates or bachelors degree in child care management. Preschool education administrators earned mean annual wages of $46,370 in 2008, the BLS reports.


Career #3: Accounting Clerks


The clerks who assist accountants are expected to enjoy some job growth; about 594,000 new jobs through 2016. While fully licensed accountants typically need a bachelors degree plus certification, accounting clerks typically need only an associates degree in accounting. The BLS reports that accounting clerks earned mean annual wages of $33,800 in 2008. Earn your degree online, and you might not need to make any changes to your current work schedule while you train.


Career #4: Executive Secretaries


Far from an ordinary secretarial job, this career es with the distinction of working at the top of the secretarial career ladder. Executive secretaries perform high-level administrative support, working closely with executives and other top staff. Training and supervisory duties are often expected, and executive secretaries often hold at least an associates degree in office administration. These trained pros earned mean annual wages of $42,340 in 2008, according to the BLS, and about 497,000 new careers are expected to open up through 2016.

与普通的秘书工作相比,这份工作有着站在秘书的顶峰工作的大不同。执行秘书处理高层次的行政工作,与经理主管或其他高层人员工作更密切。执行秘书的工作通常有培训,监督等职责,并要求至少持有办公室管理的大专以上学位。据BLS报告显示,2008年这些经过培训的专业人员的年薪是 42,340美元,并预计到2016年将会新增49.7万份工作机会。

Career #5: Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers


If you he some retail work experience and youre looking for a leg up, take heart; this is one career with a lot of growth potential. The BLS projects that about 352,000 new jobs for retail sales supervisors are expected to open up through 2016. Whats more, the degree profile for the job is somewhat broad, meaning that the type of bachelors degree you earn doesnt matter as much as the fact of the degree itself. For the most petitive management careers, a masters degree in business may be remended. Supervisors of retail sales workers earned mean annual wages of $39,910 in 2008, the BLS notes.


Students Consider Online Career Training

Thinking of training for some of the hottest jobs of the future? pleting your career training online has specific benefits. You can attend school and study on your time without the hassle of trel and required classroom attendance. Many full-time workers even choose to keep their jobs while studying online.


While no degree can guarantee a particular career or salary, the practical training youll receive in an online associates, bachelors, or masters degree program can give you the preparation you need to pete for these popular future careers. Even though hundreds of thousands of new jobs are expected to open up, you should always be prepared to experience petition for the best careers. pleting career training beforehand helps you face that petition.




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