

11月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[单证员考试误区]单证员考试误区 先谈一下现在很多人会有的几个误区; 1.考试很简单,看看就过了。 2.证书拿到后就一直没有用到过。 可以说这是目前很普遍的2种观念。对于第一种,单证员考试确实...+阅读

Top 10 Mistakes Managers Make Each Day With Email

使用电子邮件的十大误区Many of us think we use email well. We don't. Too many of us rush, causing confusion and requiring more time to clarify misunderstandings later. We miss chances to build relationships, motivate others, close deals and convey important information.


Avoid the following 10 mistakes.

因此,我们应避免电子邮件使用过程中的十大误区。1. Using vague subject lines. 'Meeting,' 'Update,' or 'Question' provide no value as subject lines. Maximize the subject line's message. PDA users will get the message quickly; everyone will appreciate the clear summary. You can municate plenty in a five to 10 word subject line: 'Your Action Items and Minutes from Last Week's Meeting.'

误区一:使用含糊不清的主题。开会、更新或问题这种字眼不适合作为邮件主题,尽量让主题包含更多的信息。这样一来,使用个人掌上设备(PDA)收发邮件的人就能很快了解情况,每个人都喜欢清晰明了的总结式标题。五到十个字的主题就能沟通很多信息,如上周会议纪要及行动计划。2. Burying the news. Convey the important points first: put dates, deadlines and deliverables in the first one to three lines of the message (if not also in the subject line). PDA limitations, time pressures, cultural distinctions and value judgments keep many readers from reading further.

误区二:不开门见山。首先就要把重要的信息说出来:把日期、最后期限和完成目标放在头三行之内(如果主题中没有说明的话)。由于PDA显示的局限性、时间压力、文化差异以及价值取向,很多收件人可能只看邮件的头几行内容。3. Hiding behind the 'BCC' field. At best, the 'blind copy' field is sneaky and risky. At worst, it's deceitful or uhical. Plus, blind recipients sometimes hit 'reply all,' revealing the deception. Post the initial message and BCC no one. Then forward your sent message to others with a brief explanation.

误区三:使用密件抄送(BCC)选项。即使从好里说,密件抄送功能也显得有点偷偷摸摸,而且存在一定风险。从坏里说,密件抄送是一种欺骗和不道德的行为。而且,收件人有时会选择全部回复,这样就会发现存在密件抄送方。你应该先把邮件发给主收件人,不使用密件抄送功能,然后将已发邮件转发给其他方,并附上一个简要说明。4. Failing to clean up the mess of earlier replies/forwards. Few readers will wade through strings of previous messages. State your position clearly, even if context follows below in the email string. 'Yes' helps less than 'Yes, you can he the extra funding to hire 5 temporary workers.'

误区四:喜欢用之前冗长的邮件往来内容来说事。很少有收件人愿意费力翻阅列在邮件正文后面的前期往来信息。应该把你的立场观点在正文中摆明,即便附后的内容也有所交待。单单回复好的太笼统,不如把话讲全,说:好的,给你雇五个临时工的额外费用。5. Ignoring grammar and mechanics. PDAs he granted us certain sloppy flexibility, which means you'll impress readers even more when you write precisely.

误区五:忽视语法和结构。PDA的使用让人们对语法错误更为宽容,但这也意味着如果你的书写表达准确无误,人们会对你刮目相看。6. Avoiding necessarily long emails. Longer messages sometimes work best; they can help oid attachments' hassle and security fuss. Don't fear long emails but outline your structure.



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