

11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[职场中的细节隐藏机会]《细节隐藏机会》是关于夏路列公司的试衣室的故事,这是一个率先把试衣室设到顾客自己家中的公司。 日本的夏路列公司是一家生产内衣的公司,设在神户中央区港岛时装街,在20世纪8...+阅读

On television theres no shortage of professional women. From Lipstick Jungle to House, The Office to Nip/Tuck, examples of smart women doing smart things abound, especially on US TV. But what about the clothes? Yes, theyre smart, but are they realistic? Not at all。


Youve got to be able to run up stairs and chase down taxis, says Johanna Waterous, a former McKinsey pany executive who now sits on the board of several panies. I see programmes like Lipstick Jungle, where the women walk around in 5in heels, with outrageous jewellery and low necklines. That isnt practical。

麦肯锡的前高管、现任多家公司董事的乔安娜沃特斯说,你很可能不得不跑上楼梯、赶出租车,我看到《口红森林》中的女性穿着5英寸高的高跟鞋、浑身珠光宝气,衣领开的也很低。这可一点都不现实。According to Britt Lintner, a London-based hedge fund manager who also designs a line of chic, work-appropriate dresses and separates in her spare time, the rules are simple: Stick to muted colours, oid being too sexy, and never over-accessorise。


And then there is the question or rather the problem of how the clothes fit, since the difference between overly snug and appropriately fitted may make the difference between landing a job or being shown the door。


The last thing I want to play to is sex appeal, says Ida Liu, head of the fashion retail group in Citibanks private banking arm in New York. Liu, who can usually be found in well-tailored (but never tight) black Prada and Dolce Gabbana skirt suits during office hours, sets such a good example that the bank tapped her to run seminars on professional dressing。


She points to a recent episode of the TV drama Dirty Sexy Money in which the actress Lucy Liu (no relation), who depicts a powerful attorney, wears a spate of overtly suggestive suits. In reality I dont think that is the signal you want to send to your clients, says Citibanks Liu。


The same can be said for medical drama House, in which Cuddy, the hospital administrator played by actress Lisa Edelstein, is routinely dressed in 4in heels and low-cut blouses. The skirts cling to her behind, the jackets cling to her bosom, laments Barbara Ruelens, a UK-based wardrobe consultant with a roster of high-powered female clients。

医疗剧《豪斯医生》也有这个问题,剧中Lisa Edelstein扮演的医院主管Cuddy总是穿着4寸高跟鞋和低领上衣。拥有许多有权势女性客户的驻英国服装咨询顾问芭芭拉吕埃朗丝说,她的裙子紧贴着她的屁股,上衣紧贴她的胸。

Should we take our cues from these TV counterparts?


The answer may depend on what industry you work in, says Johanna Waterous. You dont he to look like a man but you do he to look like you mean business。


What they wear:

movie executive Wendy Healy (Brooke Shields) dresses in classic blouses and draped pieces. Magazine editor Nico Reilly (Kim Rer) vamps it up in form-fitting sheath dresses. Fashion designer Victory Fords (Lindsay Price) flirty ensembles include lots of ruffles, layers and bright colours。


电影制片人Wendy Healy总是穿着经典款上衣和有褶皱的裙子。杂志编辑Nico Reilly搭配的是很显身材的职业装;时尚设计师Victory Ford轻佻挑逗的服装中包括大量的褶皱花边、层次和明亮的色彩。

Whats worth taking away: the statement jewellery。

Whats not: bright colours look great on TV but may be too distracting for some offices。

应该学习的: 有个性的珠宝。

不应该学习的: 明亮的色彩在电视上很好看,但是在某些办公室里就太让人分心了。What they wear:

child psychiatrist and author Dr Erica Noughton (Vanessa Redgre) wears draped clothing in soothing colours and flats or kitten heels. Psychiatrist Dr Faith Wolper (Brooke Shields) dons silky blouses in jewel tones, with high heels and trumpet skirts。


儿童心理学家和作家Erica Noughton博士穿着有褶皱的色彩柔和的衣服以及低跟或者平跟的鞋子。精神病学家Faith Wolper博士穿着有珠宝色的丝绸上衣以及喇叭裙和高跟鞋。

Whats worth taking away: fit matters. Make sure yours is just right。

Whats not: black leather trousers on an anaesthetist would not inspire confidence。

值得学习的: 适合的问题,适合自己的就是最好的。

不值得学习的: 黑色皮裤穿在麻醉师身上可有点让人不太放心。What they wear:

lawyer Nola Lyons (Lucy Liu) wears tight-fitting suits with serious heels。

她们穿什么:律师Nola Lyons穿的是紧身套装和高跟鞋

Whats worth taking away: luxurious fabrics that look rich。

Whats not: se the heels for cocktail hour。



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