

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[应聘销售员之面谈]A:I came in answer to your advertisement for a salesperson. E:I see. Will you walk this way, please? E:What experience he you had? A:I'm afraid I hen't had any expe...+阅读

Key Sentences(重点句子)

531.Thank you for ing,we will let you know the result as soon as possible.谢谢你的到来,我们将尽早把结果通知你。532.Thank you,I'll look forward to hearing from you.谢谢,我会恭候您的通知。533.All right.Thank you for your ing,Mr. Chen.好,谢谢你能来参加面试,陈先生。534.Thank you for your interview with me,madam.非常感谢您对我的面试,女士。535.I hope to see you again.希望能再次见到你。536.We'll expect you here next month,see you then.我们期望下个月你的到来,再见。537.See you later.再见。538.Thank you for your interest in this office,Ms Dong.谢谢你对本办事处感兴趣,董女士。539.I'll await your notification.Thank you for your interview with me,sir.我将等候你们的通知,谢谢您对我的面试,先生。540.A thousand thanks for your hing talked with me.Good-bye.非常感谢您的面试,再见。541.It's our pleasure to he you here,Mr. Li.能雇用你是我们的荣幸,李先生。542.I hope to see you again.希望再次见到您。543.I hope so.希望如此。544.We should know by next Tuesday whom to hire.If your application is successful,we will notify you by mail.下周二前我们会决定聘用谁了,若你的申请成功,我们会发信通知你。545.Thank you very much,I will be waiting for your letter.谢谢,我等候您的回复。546.That's all right.I can try other places,Good-bye.不要紧,我可以到其他地方试试,再见。547.Good-bye,and thank you,sir.再见,谢谢您,先生。548.I really appreciate your help.See you then.非常感谢你的帮助,再见。549.Then we'll see at 9 o'clock next Wednesday.下周三9点见。550.You'll hear from us soon.Thank you for your ing.你很快就会得到答复,谢谢你的光临。551.Thank you,sir.I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.谢谢您,先生。我希望尽快收到您的答复。552.Well,we'll give you our decision in a couple of days.It's a pleasure to talk to you,Mr. Liu.好,几天内我们将把我们的决定通知你。很荣幸能与你交谈,刘先生。553.Thank you,Mr. Brown.I really appreciate your assistance.谢谢,布朗先生。非常感谢您的帮助。554.Thank you very much for your advice.Bye.非常感谢你的建议,再见。555.Keep in touch.再联系。556.That's all right.When you e,ask for Smith,OK?好吧,你来时找史密斯,好不好?557.Yes.See you then.行,再见。558.That's all for the interview.Please wait for our notification.面试完了,请等候我们的通知。559.You'll be hearing from us soon.Send the next candidate in on your way out,please.你很快会接到我们的消息。出去的时候,请你叫下一位应试人进来。560.Thank you,Mr. Wu,for your interest in this job.Good luck to you.谢谢你对这份工作感兴趣,吴先生,祝你好运。


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