

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[美国大学生找工作前必做的20件事]大学生入学季节,《波士顿环球报》刊登一篇文章,题目叫为了找到好工作现在要做的20件事。 1. Get out of the library.You can he a degree and a huge GPA and not be ready f...+阅读

France is running short of trained chefs, while Norway is scouring the world for butchers as countries deal with what a new report calls a global talent crunch.

At the same time, the percentage of U.S. employers finding difficulty in filling positions was cut in half over the past year amid a sharp slowdown in economic activity, according to a survey of labor shortages released by Manpower Inc., one of the worlds largest temporary-employment agencies.

Though the global percentage of employers facing a talent shortage fell to 31% from 41% over the past year, skilled manual trades emerged as the biggest headache for global employers polled in late January, said Jeff Joerres, chairman and chief executive of Manpower.

Mr. Joerres said jobs requiring apprenticeships he bee increasingly tricky to fill in developed countries, forcing employers to turn increasingly to immigrants or actively recruit outside their national borders

Were losing the pipeline, said Mr. Joerres in an interview. In the U.S., its welders, in France, its cooks and chefs, and in Norway, its butchers.

Eastern Europe has bee a key source for manual and skilled trades for employers in Western Europe, but Mr. Joerres said Manpowers work for clients in Norway has seen it, for example, recruit trained butchers from Ireland and as far afield as Brazil to work in the Nordic state.

Sales representatives and technicians are ranked after skilled trades among the most sought-after employees world-wide. But the survey points to sharp variations between regions and countries, with French employers finding it more difficult to find chefs and cooks than either salespeople or machinery operators.

Finding engineers remains the biggest headache for U.S. employers, with the energy industry already on alert about the impact of an aging work force on its ability to develop new resources.

Mr. Joerres said hundreds of trained staffers he been recruited from Asian countries to develop Canadian oil-sands projects. You are going to he more migration of that work, and talent is going to be soaked up quickly, he said.

While engineers remain particularly tough to recruit, only 19% of surveyed U.S. employers were finding it difficult to find the right staff, pared with 41% in January 2007.

Mr. Joerres said the drop in the U.S. number reflected hesitation among employers about hiring any new staff, rather than any easing of skills shortages. We know they are not looking as much, said Mr. Joerres.

The U.S. economic slowdown and the problems in the construction sector he helped employers in Mexico, the largest exporter of labor to its northern neighbor. The number of Mexican employers experiencing hiring problems fell to 28% from 82%.

Mr. Joerres also warned of a mismatch in skills in the global agricultural industry as the focus of production shifts increasingly from the U.S. and Western Europe to Latin America and central Asia.

Farmers are relying on increasingly sophisticated equipment to work the land and boost crop yields, placing a premium on agricultural technicians and engineers.

Mr. Joerres suggested the increasing reliance on technology to boost global food production hinged on the relocation of skilled technical staff from developed farming economies, a move he said was unlikely. No-ones going to go from the Great Plains state of Kansas to Kazakhstan for one-tenth of the cash, he warned.


与此同时,据世界最大的职业介绍所之一万宝盛华(Manpower Inc.)最近的一份劳动力短缺状况调查,由于经济活动剧烈减退,去年觉得难以找到人手的美国雇主比例下降了一半。

万宝盛华董事长兼首席执行长杰夫约雷斯(Jeff Joerres)说,在1月底进行的调查中,去年全球面临人才短缺的雇主百比分从41%下降到31%,但熟练人工是接受调查的雇主最头疼的问题。














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