

11月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Bargaining讨价还价]The prospects for sales of this product will be quite good in Europe. The major problem is the price. We really want to do the business with you, but the price...+阅读

One of the golden rules of job interviews is to oid asking questions about pay and holidays. It places the focus on what you expect from the employer, rather than what you can offer them。


However, once you he been offered the job, the question of negotiating the offer is an option. It is tempting, in the excitement of the moment, just to accept everything on their terms. Sometimes this could be the best thing to do, especially if the employer states the offer is non-negotiable or if the job is everything you ever wanted; after all you dont want to risk losing the offer。


The first thing you should do is evaluate the offer; there are seven things you should take into consideration. The most important of these is the actual job content; does it fit in with your long term career goals and personal plans. Next your boss; can I work with this person? In third place you can start to think about the salary and benefits. Dont fet what are called fringe benefits, these are sometimes worth as much as 40% in addition to your actual salary; insurance, child benefits, retirement plans, tuition assistance, paid holidays and other bonuses. Find out when your salary is reviewed, usually once every 12 months, and your potential for salary growth. The other important factors in evaluating a job are your co-workers, the location of the pany and how a typical working week is structured. Finally you should consider the flexibility of the anization you are thinking for working for; is it overly rigid and will it alter your lifestyle。


Once you he evaluated your job offer, make a budget of your expenditures. After you he worked out your salary requirements, do some market research in order to find out how much your skills are worth. To decide if an offer is reasonable, you should know both your requirements and the salary ranges for your career field and position. Everything is negotiable but the more information you he, the more powerful your position will be。


When you are offered the job respond by saying when do you need an answer? rather than fine, when shall I start? This gives you time to consider and research their offer. Ask some questions about how your work will be evaluated and what opportunities there are for advancement. It is a good idea to get a copy of the initial offer in writing so as to he a clear basis for negotiation. Practice what you are going to say and be reasonable in your approach; the ideal oute should be a win/win situation. You should aim for the top of your salary range, but be prepared to accept less. The more you are willing to be flexible, the more likely both of you will reach a mutually satisfactory result. Be prepared to barter; higher salary for fringe benefits or vice versa. Also although the employer may not be able to offer anything now, he or she might mit to changes in the future。


When you reach the final offer, make sure you get it in writing. You too should write a formal acceptance letter. If at all possible, he someone, who is experienced with job contracts, check through everything, before you finally sign。




与客户还价常用12句英语口语用语讨价还价是商务活动中的重要环节。一个好的价格既能让自己得到实惠,也能促进最后的成交。本文精选了12句还价口语,希望对大家有帮助。 1. Ill respond to your counter-offer...
