

11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1.Limit the pain, target the gain.Recognize that working for this person is a temporary assignment. You can set limits on how long youll tolerate it, and use the time to make yourself more marketable. Lets say you decide you can take one more year of this (assuming your boss sticks around that long). If you figure out what you need to get out of the job to help your career, and go after it, you he a positive incentive to serve out that term, Dufour says。


2.Avoid surprises.Autocrats, even more than most people, hate to be blindsided, Dufour notes. Therefore, keep them informed of significant, and even relatively insignificant, developments. They cre control and power, so feeding them tidbits of information satisfies this cring.


3.Be the go-between for your team.If you hent already taken on this role, Dufour remends that you earn the trust of other members of your group and be the one who municates their problems and needs to the boss. This can be intimidating, since it means telling him things he might not want to hear, Dufour says, but the tradeoff of elevated status is worth it.


4.Refuse to be a yes man.Although many people try to appease an autocrat by telling him exactly what he wants to hear and following every order to the letter, this is a huge mistake, Dufour says. Instead, wait until youre convinced your manager is making a huge mistake -- one that will jeopardize his own stated goals -- or until you e up with a better idea that you truly believe in.

4.拒绝做好好先生。尽管许多人会对专横的老板让步,只挑他喜欢的话说,并且严格地执行他的所有命令,但杜福尔却认为这是一个重大错误 。相反,你应该一直等着,直到你确信,你的老板犯了一个重大错误一个将危及他的既定目标的错误或者,直到你想出一个更好的主意,并且你对此信心满满。

Then, make a concise, logical case for your approach: Emphasize the positive oute. Focus on what your boss will get out of doing as you suggest. If youve already tried this, keep at it: Rehearse your argument beforehand and make sure you are stating it clearly and rationally -- and without a trace of condescension for his (alleged) lack of technical knowledge. Sometimes, of course, its not what you say that can trip you up, its how you say it。


5.Do the tasks your boss dislikes.In general, mand-and-control bosses dont enjoy extended debate and discussion, and they arent adept at dealing with any type of people problem, Dufour observes. So consider making that your specialty (which will do no harm to your own long-term career prospects either, incidentally)。


Helping your boss pensate for his lack of soft skills wont earn you thanks. In fact, he may resent your ability to do something he cant, notes Dufour. However, even autocrats are rarely so oblivious that they dont know, deep down, that ignoring people problems will eventually damage their own professional prospects -- and that, says Dufour, is one thing they cant stomach.



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