

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求职面试该如何自我介绍]求职面试该如何自我介绍? 一.详细了解自我介绍的分类 简单来讲自我介绍根据介绍人的不同,可以分为主动型自我介绍和被动型自我介绍两种类型。 (1)在社交活动中,在欲结识某个人或...+阅读

Dont neglect yourself as you spend time looking for a job. You need to remember that looking for work is a full time job, so remember to take care of yourself, too!

If youre looking for a new job - be it that you are unemployed or just unhappy at your present employment - make sure you are taking the time to present yourself as the best candidate. This means you must take care of yourself so that you look your best as well.

Plan Your Day

Plan your day to include a balance of time working on finding a job, and time for yourself. Time spent on looking for a job includes searching for work, answering ads, and of course going for interviews. Time for yourself is often where most people tend to scrimp. Time for yourself does not just mean taking a lunch: you also need to exercise your body and your mind.

Exercise Your Body

Ensure you plan for at least 30 minutes of some kind of physical exercise - and yes, walking counts. Theres nothing worse that getting up from an interview and you grunt and groan from lack of flexibility. Even better - ensure you get away from the puter at least once an hour or so - stretch those legs, arms, and back.

Exercise Your Mind

Fun time! Doing puzzles will increase your brain power. So will reading, especially if its not just a fluff book, but something that gets you thinking. Yep, a limited amount of video games count in this area. The main idea is that you are NOT just thinking about work.

Dont Stay By Yourself

Plan to spend time with others- not just family, but friends, acquaintances, business contacts, etc. Plan to get together for a lunch; get caught up on the business works over coffee; try to make yourself ailable on their time when possible - you never know who might he a contact who knows someone who is looking for a person just like you! Talking with others also helps to keep your verbal skills sharp, and into the regular lingo.

Dress The Part

If you look like a slob, youll give the impression youre a slob. Yes, you ARE unemployed, but that does not mean you should look it. Ensure you look neat and presentable at ALL times - in case you are called for an impromtu interview at any time. Taking the time on your hygiene, clothes and hair will help you feel better, and youll make a good impression on others as well as yourself.

By looking your best, and doing the best for yourself - you will be the best - and will find and get that job!
















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