

11月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com


The privacy point is important. Who would opt for a shared space if they could he their own? Backpackers stay in youth hostel dormitories, but that is because they cannot afford to pay for privacy. Hotels do not ask business trellers whether they would like to he their own rooms or shared ones, because they know the answer. Airlines can charge considerably more for seats that give you some distance from your neighbours.


Whatever small gains open-plan offices do offer in enhanced munication are, in any event, wiped out by the loss of productivity. We do not need academic studies to tell us people get less done when they he to listen to their neighbours' conversations and telephone calls. Once again, a monsense reference to life outside the office suffices: libraries he a rule of silence because it allows people to work.


It is not just the distractions of open-plan offices that lower productivity. A recent article in the Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management said that employees in open-plan offices were more prone to eye, nose and throat irritations, and more likely to e down with flu.

开放式办公室造成工作效率下降的原因不只是分神。《亚太健康管理期刊》(Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management)最近刊登的一篇文章指出,开放式办公室员工的眼睛、鼻子和、喉咙更容易产生疼痛感,染上流感的机率也更大。

Open-plan offices may offer panionship, but that assumes you like the people whose space you share. It is surely more fortable to be able to pop into the private office of those you want to see.


So why are most offices these days open-plan? Because they cost less. The Asia Pacific Journal article put the sing at up to 20 per cent. Not only do open-plan offices allow panies to eliminate the cost of all those walls; they can also fit far more people into the same space.



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