[实用的求职自我介绍]实用的求职自我介绍 虽然现在很多单位缺少员工,但对于大学生来讲,想找到一份理想的工作还是不那么容易,再加上工作经验的不足,甚至第一关的求职自我介绍都成了求职时最大的问题...+阅读
1. When a young child answered, I knew I had the wrong number.
2. Working on the principle that theres safety in numbers, we decided we should all go and plain together.
3. Inflation has been public enemy number one for this government.
4. Todd numbered himself with the top athletes at the school.
5. Please number off by tens.
6. This car came hurtling towards me and I thought my number was up.
7. You gotta look after number one, right?
8. Please tell me in round numbers what itll cost.
9. Im not worried about Taylor. Ive got his number and I know what to expect.
10. The man who came to fix my roof certainly did a number on me. He said hed do the work for 1,500 dollars but when he finished,he charged me more than 3,000!
11. She may not look like a number cruncher but shes with a big firm of accountants.
12. Our printer has broken down quite frequently in the past months. its days are probably numbered.
13. A friend let me drive his sports car and now I know why its such a hot number. It gets up to 60 before you know it and it looks like an airplane ready to take off.
14. Though it is just a back numer, it is very important to me.
实用的自我介绍你会因为面试中的自我介绍而感到紧张万分吗?你对自己的面试充满自信吗?如果你还在准备如何进行自我介绍,以下的实用的自我介绍范文可助你一臂之力。 我叫xxx,1988年6月6日出生,20...
13个有趣实用的英语俚语1. airhead(傻蛋): stupid person, idiot (Ex: How could you fet the keys? You are such an airhead!) 2. chilling(放松): relaxing, not doing anything that takes up a lo...
实用英语:Hothead 暴脾气Larry下班后跟李华一起吃晚饭,跟她讲他老板发火的事情。 LH: Larry, 今天上班忙吗? LL: Well, to be honest Li Hua, it was a bit stressful. One of our ad campaigns was n...
实用英语串烧:pick someone up 搭讪某人1. I couldn't agree with you more. 我非常同意你的观点。 如果你非常同意某人的观点,那么你自然就「无法再更加同意」了,因为你已经完全同意,不留一点空间: A: I think we nee...
银行取款实用英语银行现代生活中必不可少的元素,不论什么时候去都能看看到很多人排队的地方。今天我们就来看一看,如果要去银行取款、开户、销户、提款等等,应该怎样用英语表达。 Id like to kn...
应届毕业生实用面试题1、你的暑期打工工作是怎样找到的 所有用人单位对有工作经历的本站都一致看好,无论参与过什么样的工作。一家就业服务机构的负责人说:读书时期有过工作经历的人容易与人相处,他...
实用英语串烧:Easy for you to say. 你说得倒是很轻松1. You'll get yours. 你会得到该有的报应。 这句话通常会用未来式:He'll get his.或You'll get yours.表示「恶有恶报」,某人总有一天会得到报应的。 A: You'll get yours fo...
经典职场励志短语大全经典职场励志短语大全 职场励志 人生没有彩排,每一个细节都是现场直播。 大爱之心做事,感恩之心做人。 没有不好的团队,只有不好的领队。 珍惜今天的拥有,明天才会富有。 人生是...