

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[美国毕业生起薪人均下降]Those who are graduating in the spring and land a job will see erage starting salary offers fall 1.7% from last year to $47,673, according to the National Assoc...+阅读

Shanghai and Beijing are being new lands of opportunity for recent American college graduates who face unemployment nearing double digits at home.


Even those with limited or no knowledge of Chinese are heeding the call. They are lured by Chinas surging economy, the lower cost of living and a chance to bypass some of the dues-paying that is mon to first jobs in the United States.


Ive seen a surge of young people ing to work in China over the last few years, said Jack Perkowski, founder of Asimco Technologies, one of the largest automotive parts panies in China.

最近几年,来中国工作的年轻人数量急剧增加,亚新科工业技术公司创始人杰克 (Jack Perkowski)说。亚新科(Asimco Technologies) 是中国最大的汽车零部件企业之一。

When I came over to China in 1994, that was the first we of Americans ing to China, he said. These young people are part of this big second we.


One of those in the latest we is Joshua Arjuna Stephens, who graduated from Wesleyan University in 2007 with a bachelors degree in American studies. Two years ago, he decided to take a temporary summer position in Shanghai with China Prep, an educational trel pany.

乔舒亚阿朱耶斯蒂芬斯(Joshua Arjuna Stephens)就是最近这一波热潮中的一员。他2007年毕业于卫斯理大学,获得美国研究学士学位。两年前,他决定来到上海,接受旅游教育公司China Prep的一个临时暑期职位。

I didnt know anything about China, said Mr. Stephens, who worked on market research and program development. People thought I was nuts to go not speaking the language, but I wanted to do something off the beaten track.



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