

11月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[职场中的细节隐藏机会]《细节隐藏机会》是关于夏路列公司的试衣室的故事,这是一个率先把试衣室设到顾客自己家中的公司。 日本的夏路列公司是一家生产内衣的公司,设在神户中央区港岛时装街,在20世纪8...+阅读


1.Deep breathing. Take a deep breath. Hold it. Now let it out slowly. Try counting to 10 as you let out your breath. Feel the tension and stress flowing out of you with your breath. Repeat 3-10 times, as necessary.

深呼吸 深呼吸,屏住呼吸,现在缓慢呼气呼气时试着数到十。感受紧张和压力一并被呼出。如果有必要,重复三到十次。

2.Self-massage. I like to massage my shoulders, neck, head, lower back. It helps a lot. Even better: get your honey to do it for you! Another great relaxation technique is to tense up and then relax each muscle in your body, one at a time, starting from your toes up to your head.

自我按摩 我喜欢按摩自己的双肩、脖子、头和后背。很有效果。让你的另一半为你按摩的话,效果会更好。另一个放松技巧是让你身体的每块肌肉依次先收缩后放松。从脚趾开始往上,至头部结束。

3.Take a walk. When I'm in the middle of stress, I like to take 5, and take a walk around the building. I also do the deep breathing and self-massage mentioned above as I do so. It's a great way of letting go of tension and allowing yourself to re-focus.

去散步 当我出于压力状态时,我常去楼外散步。在散步中也做上文提到的深呼吸和自我按摩运动。它是消除紧张并让你重新集中注意力的好办法。

4.Exercise. This morning, I went to the beach at 5:30 a.m. and went for a swim. It was beautiful at the beach at around sunrise, and the swim was invigorating. Yesterday I went for a bike ride, and the morning before it was a short but refreshing run. Tomorrow I think I'll do another short run. It really gets the stress out of your system and gives you some quiet time to think when you exercise.

做运动 今天早上五点半我去了海滩游泳。太阳初升时海滩景色优美,游泳让你心旷神怡。昨天早上我骑了自行车,前天我跑步,虽然不长但是让人精神焕发。明天我可能再来一次短跑。它让你的压力荡然无存,同时,运动时你也可以静静地思考。

5.Get outdoors. Even if I didn't do the swim, just being there at the beach, with my decaf coffee (I quit caffeine, remember?), was calming. It's nice to connect with nature and take in the beauty around you. While youre there, stretch, yawn, take some deep breaths, and enjoy.

去户外 即便我不去游泳,仅仅在海滩上喝我的无咖啡因咖啡(我戒了咖啡因,你记得吧?)也是平静泰然的。接近自然,欣赏你身边的美丽是美妙的。你在那可以伸腰,打哈欠,深呼吸,享受自然。

6.Take a day off. That's what I'm doing today. Don't tell my boss. I he lots of vacation and sick lee sed up, so it's not a problem, actually. I'm just going to veg out and allow myself to calm down and center.

放一天假 这正是我今天干的,别告诉我的老板。我很多休假日和病假日没有用,所以我请假没问题。事实上,我只是放松一下,让自己平静下来,精神集中。

7.Meditate. You don't need to be trained to he a short, relaxing meditation session. Just sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes, relax, and focus on your breathing. Try to concentrate on it ing into your body, and then going out.When other things pop into your head (they will, inevitably), just acknowledge them (dont try to force them out) and allow them to lee, and then focus again on your breathing. Do this for as long as you can, and then take a couple of cleansing breaths, and get up a new person.

沉思 你不需专门训练就能进行一个短暂放松的沉思。只需坐在安静的地方,闭上眼,放松,集中精力于你的呼吸。注意吸进身体的东西,然后呼出去。当杂念浮现你脑海的时候


8.Read. I like to throw myself on the couch with a good book. Well, not necessarily a good book a page-turner.

阅读 我喜欢坐在沙发上看一本好书。嗯,没必要是本好书,是本引人入胜的书。能让我全神贯注,心无杂念。我的这些书有约翰格利山姆写的,威廉吉布森的,泰瑞普莱契的或者安帕切特的,就此而言,也管用。还有史蒂芬金。我沉醉在他们的世界里。

9.Love. I like to spend time with my kids or my wife. Just snuggle with them, focus on them, fet about the world. They are all thats important, and sometimes I need that reminder.

爱 我喜欢花时间陪陪我的孩子们和妻子。仅仅和他们依偎在一起,注视着他们,忘掉其他。她们是最重要的,有时这个提醒我需要。

10.Disconnect. Turn off the phones, turn off the puter, and shut off the outside world for a little while. These things just raise your stress level. Go offline and fet about the online world! You can do it!

杜绝联系 关掉手机,关掉电脑,暂时杜绝与外界的联系。这些东西只会增加你的压力。下线,忘了网上的一切。你可以做到的!

11.Take a nap. One of my forites. Just take a 30-minute nap, and you're re-set! A nap is like a restart button for life.

睡午觉 我的爱好之一。仅午睡半小时,你就会恢复精神!午睡就像是生活的重新启动按钮。


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