

11月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com


找工作的人常为面试烦扰。过于紧张会让您忽略到一些细节面试问题,而这些细节面试问题有可能非常重要。Looking for jobs is a painful thing, but nearly every one must do it at least once a lifetime. Anyway, there are some points a person must remember to succeed in hing an interview.

To begin with, it is not a good idea to be late. People don't think very highly of the one who arrives twenty minutes late, or explaining that he couldn't find the street and that his watch was slow. The wise one studies the place the day before, or make sure that he can find the street, the building, the right floor, and the office; at the same time, he looks around to examine what the employees are wearing and how they work. Next day he arrives early. It does not matter if someone recognizes him and mentions his first visit to her boss. On the contrary, the eager fellow can only be regarded as smart, thoughtful, and well anized - three points in his for before he has said a word.

Then, appearance. It is most important for one to be dressed properly and to look alive- pleasant, interested. It is also very important to look at people in the eyes because this eye contact' can strongly suggest that one is honest and open-minded. A few other points are regularly mentioned by the gum or smoke during an interview; they should not sit down before being invited to do so. It is even worse to examine the objects on the desk while the manager is answering the telephone, to listen to the conversation - and perhaps offer a ment afterwards. This is definitely not the time to joke, or to interrupt the interviewer in mid-sentence.


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