
How to Write a Letter of Intent for College

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Thank You Letter Tips for Job Interviews]It's always important to say thank you after a job interview and after a second interview, as well. It's also important to thank everyone you interviewed with a...+阅读

When writing a letter of intent for college, you want to express who you are and why you are writing. Be sure to include relevant details about your previous experiences and why they would work well with the atmosphere and programs at your college of choice. The more succinct and precise your letter is, the more likely you will receive a positive response.

How to write a letter of intent to a college


Determine who the letter is going to. Be sure to find out the correct spelling of the person to whom you are addressing the letter. You can find this information either by researching it on the college's website or by calling the college directly.


Begin the letter by introducing yourself. Take the first paragraph to tell the recepient of the letter who you are, where you go to school and any other information that is important. If you are writing the chemistry department because you want to get into the pre-medical program, state something you do that is relevant, such as you are the head of the chemistry club at your current school.


In the second and third paragraphs, describe why you are writing the letter. Include how you learned about the school to which you are writing and why it interests you. Also include the reasons why you would be a perfect fit in the program to which you are looking to apply. Be specific and include examples. Add more paragraphs if you feel it necessary to accurately describe everything.


Express what you would like to happen next. Request an interview or a campus tour. Or tell the recipient that you will check in with them in a few days. If you do this, be sure to follow through.


End the letter by thanking the recipient for their time and with a formal signoff. Sincerely, and Best, are two great ways to end the letter.


Keep the letter to one page. People are more likely to read a one-page letter that is succinct and to the point. You can shorten the letter while you are proofreading it.


Make a copy of the letter before you send it to the college. This is a safe practice to do with all important documents, since occasionally letters can be lost in the mail or damaged during transit.


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