

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[工作场合的着装建议]Don't know what to wear to the office? How about to a friend's wedding or a hangover-filled New Year's Day brunch? He you ever thought about the appropriate out...+阅读

Don't know what to wear to the office? How about to a friend's wedding or a hangover-filled New Year's Day brunch? He you ever thought about the appropriate outfit for breaking up with your boyfriend?


For answers to these questions and so much more, check out Nina Garcia's Look Book: What to Wear for Every Occasion, a new 318-page fashion guidebook by the famed Project Runway judge.


We caught up with Garcia earlier today at her in New York City to talk Lady Gaga, and even Lindsay Lohan:

我们于今日早些时候在纽约采访到了加西亚,她谈到了Lady Gaga和林赛-洛翰:

What is the question women always ask you when it es to what to wear?


I've had every kind of question imaginable. But it's work-related or wedding-related. It's surprising because I feel like women really he it together for work. I wouldn't think that they'd still be so curious or insecure about the work place.


Here in Los Angeles, work dress is much more casual.


The question is not whether you're badly dressed, but whether you're appropriately dressed. What I wanted to do in the book was really hone in on all those questions that you need to ask yourself before you walk into whatever the situation is, what you need to think about and what message you want to municate. And a few tips on what not to do, too. Don't wear an FU manicure in front of a judge! What were you thinking, Lindsay?




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