

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[美女应聘网络文员的自我介绍]以下是一位美女本站应届网络文员的自我介绍,供参考: 我,卢XX,女,今年24岁,系XX学院中文系汉语言文学(师范)专业的本站,为人诚实守信、安静祥和,平时最爱看看书上上网听听音乐,我的同学...+阅读


135 East Wilson Drive

Flint, Michigan 25371


May 24, 1997

Mr. Did P. Ducket

Chief Financial Officer

Rathyeon pany

600 Industry Blvd.

Hillsboro, MA 98271

Dear Mr.Ducket:

If you are currently in the market for an acplished Senior Financial Analyst who has established an excellent reputation for successful acquisition analysis, the enclosed resume should prove interesting to you.

My credentials include an M.B.A. in Finance from the University of Chicago and over 6 years acquisition analysis with the Business Development Department of a Fortune 100 food pany, During this period I pleted analysis of 28 acquisition candidates, which resulted in the acquisition of 6 highly profitable panies. These included:

-a $40 million acquisition of a baking pany that has achieved an erage ROI of 18% for the first 3 years of ownership

-a $28 million acquisition of a foods distribution pany showing a 22% ROI in the 3rd year of operation

-a $62 million purchase of a food wrap pany that yielded a 12% return during first year following acquisition

Importantly, all acquisitions he proven highly profitable, with the poorest performer achieving an ROI of 8.2%.Additionally, all acquisitions were pleted at a very attractive price-to- profit ratio.

Mr. Ducket, I would wele the opportunity to meet with you personally to discuss the kinds of contributions I might make to Raytheon pany as a member of its Business Development staff.

If you see this as a worthwhile investment, I can be reached on a confidential basis at(313)877-9075 during the day, or at my home phone during the day, or at my home phone during the evening.

Very truly yours,

Patricia A.Werly




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