

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Tips for making it through the tough times


Youre lucky. You work from home. Youre your own boss and you answer to no one but yourself. You may he worked years or even decades at a regular job, but now you get to make your own rules and set your own hours. Theres no need to fight the alarm clock every morning, nor is there any reason to go to bed early at night. Since youre your own boss, you dont he to worry about getting written up, laid off, or fired.


Since youre reaping all the benefits of working from home, youre also stuck with the responsibilities. Youre in charge of every aspect of your home business, which means you he to handle the bad along with the good.


One of the biggest challenges youll ever face is motivation. Many individuals working from home are content with just earning enough money to get by, and dont strive to take their small business to the next level. If you find yourself slacking from time to time, then you need a good motivation boost.


Here are some tips to help you stay motivated


Take some time to think about why you started working from home to begin with.


Was it because you wanted freedom? Was it for the money? Were you hing trouble finding a job anywhere else? In other words, what motivated you to start your own small business in the first place? Try invoking the same feelings again, and you will find yourself motivated once more.


Set goals for yourself.They dont necessarily he to be large goalsin fact, you will be better off setting small and easy goals. Try to get through one step at time. Plan to work an hour more every day. Try earning an extra $100 a week. What about $200? Just imagine what all you can do with that extra $100 or $200 each week!

为自己设立目标。不用是很伟大的目标,实际上,小而简单的目标会让你更成功。 尝试着一步步的行动。每天计划多工作一个小时。每周多赚100美元。或者是200美元怎么样?想一想你每周会多出100到200美元的闲钱吧。

Create a vision board. A vision board can be a wallpaper or collage of everything you want in life. It can include pictures of your dream car, dream home, yacht, land, famous places that you want to visit, and so forth. Anytime you need a boost of motivation, just look at your vision board! It will remind you of everything you can obtain if you work hard enough.


If youre not feeling very inspired and your creative juices arent flowing, dont force yourself. The more aggrated you bee, the less motivated youll be. You also wont be able to produce quality content when youre feeling down. Its ok to take breaks. Sometimes lack of motivation doesnt necessarily mean that youre not doing any workit could also mean that youre working TOO hard. Lie down to read a book or take a nap if you he to. Sometimes a bit of rest is all we need to stay motivated.


Working toward goals and taking breaks may seem contradictory, but they both play an important role in motivation. You can work and still rest. There is time enough to do both. Napping doesnt necessarily equate to laziness. Laziness is when you dont even try to motivate yourself.


If you work hard and find yourself stuck, then you need to rejuvenate yourself somehow. Once youre done resting, then you can get back to work again. You will more than likely he everything sorted out in your head after resting up, and before you know it, your work will be all done!


It doesnt matter how much money you earn by working at home. Nor does it matter how successful your small business is. At some point in time, you will find yourself needing motivation. You need to: think about why you wanted to work from home to begin with, evaluate your present situation, and make plans for the future.


Never let yourself fet why youre working from home. You are luckier than most people out there. You dont he to trudge to work every day sling away for a thankless boss. Be thankful that you he freedom and independence that most people dont. As long as you can stay motivated and focused, your earning potential is unlimited and you can live a lifestyle most people only dream about.



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