
US Immigration Interview Preparation

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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Preparing for an immigration interview is an unending task. One just cannot be prepared enough for the interview. From filling forms and submitting documents to the actual interview, is a grueling process that needs immense concentration, attention and accuracy.

In the United States, USCIS lays down the rules and regulations for their immigration process. These confusing set of rules are strict and highly bureaucratic. Most people resort to professional help when it es to applying for permanent residence status or green card or for the citizenship.

How to prepare for immigration interview?

The first step is to file an application for the visa as required. If you want to apply for an immigrant visa (also known as green card), you may he to get sponsorship from your relatives residing in the US and holding green cards, or from your pany.The preparation stage starts when you receive a notification from the USCIS. This notice will usually municate the schedule of the interview along with the documents that need to be submitted on or before the date of application interview.Different types of immigrant visas demand different paperwork. For example forms and paperwork for work permit visa will be different from marriage residency case. Thus, go through the notice very carefully, and collect and submit your documents as required.Keep extra copies of records with you. It is advisable to he at least 2-3 copies of the original documents. You may he to submit your passport details along with the applications. Since, you cannot handover the original passport, make sure you he photocopies of it. Similarly, keep a back up of payment receipts, letters from the pany, sponsorship letters etc.Submit photographs according to their requirements. You cannot afford to he your immigrant application rejected even before the interview.Revise your fact thoroughly. During the interview you should not fumble with your answers regarding the reasons for your stay, the pany where you are working, and your relative who are residing in US, document proofs etc.US immigration interviews are long and tedious. An immigration attorney sorts out most of the issues if you are hire one. The duty of these lawyers is to protect the applicants' rights and guide them through the interview. Hiring a seasoned attorney is a great way to smoothen out the immigration interview as they are professionals in that field.If you he difficulty in understanding English, it is advisable to obtain services of a translator. Again, only certified translators should be hired. A relative or a friend will not be accepted as a translator by USCIS.Finally, arriving on time cannot be stressed enough. A missed interview is very hard to reschedule; and the process to reapply is cumbersome. Hence, make it a point to reach at least 15 minutes prior to the appointment.

Try to gain as much information as possible about the whole process of the immigration interview from a reliable source. Eliminate all the possibilities of errors and thereby the rejection. A careful and accurate preparation is the key to ensure a successful immigration interview.


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