

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[向同事发问]The Coworker:The Straight-Talker 同事:有话直说的人 Some interviews will also include a meeting with a potential coworker -- the interviewer most likely totell it...+阅读


Some interviews will also include a meeting with a potential coworker -- the interviewer most likely totell it how it is.A potentialcolleaguemay be most candid about the job,its challenges and the work environment. However,dont expect inside information -- and certainly dont ask for it。


Some questions to ask a potential coworker:


* Whats a typical day like in the department?

* How would you describe the work environment at the pany?

* Whats the most enjoyable part of your job?Whats the most challenging part?





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