
Power Balancing in Negotiations

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Salary History and Negotiations]One of the most important stages in the process of getting into a job of your choice is salary negotiation. At this stage of the recruitment process, employers...+阅读

Power in negotiations must be recognized and, if you are on the short end of the equation, balanced.

Other people presume to he power over us. Be they attorneys, accountants, doctors, clerks, teachers, or spouses who can make our lives miserable the power they presume to hold over us is based solely on the power we allow them to he.

Most power held by negotiators is illusory but powerful until it is challenged. Fear of everyday conflict, confrontation oidance, can be overe by understanding the process of any negotiation and learning how to garner enough power to impact the oute of the situation in a positive fashion.

Surviving is getting along and accepting the status quo. Conquering is overing and prevailing. When we negotiate, the goal is to reach an agreement that meets our needs and advances our cause by satisfying some of our wants. As conflict is a constant part of our lives, it should be conquered rather than merely survived.

Conquering conflict does not necessarily mean crushing the other person. It means dispatching the negative connotation of conflict in your mind, the fear if you will, so that you can focus on resolving issues to advance your interests rather than merely preserving them.

The reality is that fear makes us act defensively, being defensive shuts down our ability to municate. Lack of munication stymies negotiations.


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