

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Congratulations! You wowed your prospective employers on your first interview and he been called back for an encore. So, how will the second interview be different from the first? 祝贺你!你在初试时的表现让雇主们啧啧称赞。你接到进行复试的电话通知。那么,复试和初试有什么不同呢?如何准备面试复试?

This time around, expect to spend more time at the pany, talk to more people, individually and collectively, and he your skills and personality scrutinized more closely. 这一轮,你要准备在公司呆更久,与更多的人或单独或集体进行交流。你的各项能力要接受更为严格的检验。

The Employer's Point of View 雇主对复试的观点

From an employer's perspective, the second interview is a chance to closely evaluate a candidate's abilities and interpersonal skills. Your prospective employer wants to see that you can do the job and work well with colleagues. 从雇主的角度来看,复试是仔细评估候选人工作能力、为人处事能力的一个机会。将来的雇主希望你能做好工作,而且能和同事融洽相处。

Be aware that many employers bring in several candidates on the same day to streamline the second interview process. Your challenge is to distinguish yourself from the other candidates. 要知道,许多的雇主会让多名候选人一同进行复试以简化程序。 你的挑战是如何让自己从众多候选者中脱颖而出。

To show you're a good fit with the pany, focus on explaining how your abilities and experiences would enable you to do the job. Be specific. Offer concrete examples that highlight your petence and patibility. 要表现出自己适合在这家公司工作,把注意力放在说明你的能力和经验如何让你能够担任这项工作,要具体。提供具体的例子来显示出自己的能力和适应性。

Who You'll Meet 你将要见到哪些人

On your first interview, you probably met with one or two people. This time, be prepared to meet several more over the course of the day, including potential managers, coworkers and other staff members. 在初试时,你大概只会见到一两位面试官。这次,你要准备好一天和好几位面试官见面,包括将来的经理、同事和其它公司人员。

You may meet individually with several people, who will most likely ask you similar questions. Keep your answers consistent but mix up your delivery so that your answers don't sound stale or staged. If possible, before the interview acquire a list of the people you'll be meeting with and do a little research on each one. Then ask questions that show your knowledge of each person. 你可能单独和他们见面,他们极有可能问相似的问题。回答要前后一致,但是回答顺序可以打乱,这样让回答听上去不老套、不做作。如果有可能在面试前取得将要会面人物的名单,了解一下每个人。问问题时展示出自己对他们的了解。

If you meet with a panel or group, be sure to make eye contact with both the individual asking the question and the group as a whole. 如果你碰到小组复试,一定要和问问题的那个人以及小组整体人员都要进行眼神交流。

Steps for Follow Up 后续步骤

It's rare to receive an offer on the spot, but it does happen occasionally. If the feedback is consistently positive over the course of the day, you may get a job offer at the end of the interview. If that happens, don't make a hasty decision. Ask for time to think about it. 当场获得工作机会的时候并不多,但有时也会发生。如果一天中面试人员对你的反馈都一致的积极,也许面试结束时你就会获得工作机会。如果是那样,不要贸然决定。提出先考虑一下。

If you don't get an offer, be sure to immediately send a brief thank you note to every person you spoke with. Some panies make hiring decisions in a matter of days, but many can take weeks to make their final choice. 如果当场没有获得工作机会,记得要立即给每一位和你交谈过的人发一封简要的感谢信。虽然一些公司会在短短几天内做出招聘决定,但许多公司往往要花数周的时间才会做成决定。

Be patient, be flexible and be ready for an offer or an invitation for yet another interview. 要耐心、灵活,为下一次工作机会或邀请做好准备。


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