

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[找工作你别问工资]随着离校日期的临近,越来越多毕业生忙着赶赴各种 招聘会 。在近日举行的厦大毕业生春季 招聘会 上,厦大中文系的林同学告诉记者,他发现 招聘会 上半数以上企业都没注明薪资参考...+阅读



From knives to size, it turns out my tiny salarys in direct relation to my tiny self. According to a study of nearly 7,000 men and women by the Australian National University which isnt Australian.


An extra couple of inches can add nearly 820 dollars per year to ones salary, says Professor Leigh of these anti-tiny findings, quote perhaps its because of this discrimination which shorter people get and the same treatment in the labor market, women and minorities he experienced in the past. The worst part is short men are way smarter than minorities and women. bine that time 12. I dont know what I am saying.

Ann, you are super tall. If you were short, do you think you would be less successful?

Especially short and hey.



Yeah. Good. Thats a direct insult to me.

Short and hey shabby. They are a very misrepresented group.

But I think youre making too much of this, because short men also se money on things like dating.

Clearly unnecessary. Short menbut a short man also are more sucessful, because they try harder, because they are short.

Are you taking this story a little too personally?

I pitched (to tell a story or give an excuse) this story. I wanted to lead the show with this story.

He was two of the sources in that story.

This story was made up by me. I wrote about it in the bathroom and then I published it on my own blog.

Its not a coincidence that the other of that story is Breg Butt-feld(a word play on Greg Gutfeld). Do the maths.

Yeah. Carl, will there be a day that short people can sue for discrimination?

Well, you can hope, but think about it this way. If its only 1.5%, you know, screw the 1.5%, take the big settlement. On the other hand, you shouldnt fret, Greg,I mean, with the passing of Cronkite, you he moved up the ladder as a journalist. We all think of you as a giant. You are the giant.

Thank you very much. God knows I need a ladder. A very short man. Hey, you know, I gotta move on. But I want to ask, you dont date short people, do you?

I do. I totally date short people. Oh, you do not.

Yes, I he. Ive dated a short man.

Name a short person you dated.


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