
When is compromising negotiating?

11月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Negotiating a Raise]If you are currently employed and want a raise, start by being prepared. Gather your salary survey information, recent performance appraisals that document the...+阅读

Is bipartisan promise possible in Washington?So much is touted lately about bringing Washington together and acting in a bi-partisan manner. It is interestng that many view this as a novel idea. It is, in reality, what the Congress was challenged to do since first formed.promise, in a negotiation, is the process by which each party gives a little to get a little. It is the process of merging interests to yield a balanced oute meeting the needs, not necessarily the wants, of the parties to the agreement.We are a very diverse nation, a federation of states in fact. This diversity is what makes America great. Our system was designed to enable the diverse interests to get along side by side and in harmony. Today that harmony seems ot be constantly challenged.In Washington, unfortunately, the effect of our lawmakers working together is typically the creation of a bill loaded with all the necessary extra provisions to attract votes seemingly with disregard for how the earmarks will be paid.That is not negotiating. That is not promising. That is simply buying votes to assure passage.One wonders what has happened in Washington over the last forty to fifty years that has seen our lawmakers seeking to do right by their country change to fighting to get their fair share for their constituencies, advocates and, yes, special interest supporters.


8 key steps to negotiating your salary8 key steps to negotiating your salary in the year ahead without losing the respect of your manager... 1. Be prepared The more information you he about your mar...

Negotiating in EnglishWhy Negotiation Skills Negotiating in English? In todays petitive market place, keen negotiating skills are increasingly important where successful negotiations...

Negotiating offersWhen you receive an offer letter you are in the position to negotiate conditions of employment, including salary, benefits and a start date. If you he a Recruit...

Negotiating Your Bottom LineIf you want something done right, do it yourself.Beware of hiring someone to negotiate for you. Too often hired negotiators are little more than mediators. Thei...

Negotiating - A Contact SportIn our lives we he two basic choices, to take control or follow. Negotiating is a contact sport. To be effective you must be able to persuade others to listen t...

Decisions and NegotiatingNegotiators must be able to make decisions. Large decisions, small decisions, important decisions and mundane decisions. The process of making decisions is what...
