

12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读

炎热的5月,见证了BEC高级考生挥汗如雨的奋战。我在北外考场以口语考官的身份,考差了14对、28人的高级口语。下面是一些点评。问过姓名之后,就是Where are you from?这道题,我的考场都是正确反应:I am from Sichuan, China.其它考场有的人说I'm from Ren Min University.答成了自己的学校。第一部分有两套题,其中那个第一套题和去年一样,没有变化:Work or Studies:- What you find most interesting about your job or course- About your future career plans- Why you decided to learn English- About your ideal kind of employer *- Why you chose your particular career- About the place where you work or study. *其中画有*的题目有的考生没有理解。

ideal kind of employer不一定需要考生是有工作的,因为它在问 你理想的雇主具有哪些特点,即使是在校生,也可以发表自己的意见、有的可说;学习或工作的地方,有的人没有思路,有的人有思路但是调理不清楚,用词也没有注意到质量。 下面是比较好的答案:- About your ideal kind of employer *Well, for me, I would like to join a pany where there are well-developed training programs for young people. After all, money is not higly prioritized for someone fresh from school. Rather, gaining experience and qualification would be more important.其中 In my opinion, opinion的发音有的人读错,重音、卷舌音乱来;As far as I'm conerned有的人说成了 as far as I am concern, 这也是错的。

- About the place where you work or study. *I am a student in the Renmin University and I study fianance in the School of Finance. What I am most proud of my university is the prestige, which has been built over years with joint efforts from the school administration, professors and scholars as well as from business owners. ...


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